Tagged Holocaust deniers

Holocaust denier picked as congressional candidate in Spain

(JTA) — A far-right party in Spain has nominated a Holocaust denier as a congressional candidate. Vox tapped Fernando Paz, a historian, this week to run in the city of Albacete, in the central part of the country, in the April 28 national elections for parliament, the Libertad Digital… Read more »

New technology points to missing Holocaust-era mass graves at Treblinka

Each stone at the Treblinka memorial represents a Jewish town or city that had its people exterminated at the camp. (Little Savage via CC)

(JTA) — Scientists using ground-probing electronics may have discovered the missing mass graves at the site of Treblinka, one of the Nazis’ most notorious death camps. No actual bodies were found and the graves were not excavated, in keeping with Jewish law, but bones and bone fragments were discovered… Read more »