Tagged Hitler

In Crimea, some Jews feel safer after Russian intervention

Simferopol Reform Synagogue Ner Tamid on Feb. 28, 2014. (Courtesy Simferopol Reform Synagogue Ner Tamid)

Shortly after Russian soldiers occupied the Crimean city of Sevastopol last week, Leah Cyrlikova took her two children out for an afternoon stroll in a city park. When they passed a group of soldiers, they stopped to have a friendly chat and pose with them for photos. While many… Read more »

Ahmadinejad’s enhanced legitimacy must be challenged

When world leaders converge on New York this month, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will again be present. The occasion is the opening of the United Nations General Assembly session. This time, though, Ahmadinejad comes with enhanced diplomatic credentials. He is no longer just head of Iran; he also chairs… Read more »

Don’t forget about Abba Kovner and the real-life Jewish Avengers

(JTA) — As moviegoers over the weekend flocked to see Marvel’s new superhero ensemble, they would understandably associate the idea of Nazi-fighting avengers  with Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Black Widow. But, in fact, there was also a real-life band of Jewish freedom fighters with the same… Read more »

Is wax Anne Frank at Madame Tussauds exploitation?

A wax likeness of Anne Frank has been installed at Madame Tussauds in Berlin — in the room next to the Hitler figure. (Photo: Christian Kielmann)

Is the image of Anne Frank heading in the same commercial direction as Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”? Munch’s Expressionist painting, once an iconic representation of horror, for years has been available as a party inflatable, an action figure mask, even a bobblehead. With the installation of a lifelike wax… Read more »