Op-Ed: Worried about intersectionality? Oppose the Israeli occupation

Amna Farooqi

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (JTA) — David Bernstein, the new president of the Jewish Council on Public Affairs, wrote in JTA last week about an important phenomenon impacting campus activism and debate around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: intersectionality. Bernstein observed that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, has been… Read more »

The anti-Israel trend you’ve never heard of — and how to limit the damage

Muslim students at an anti-Israel protest at the University of California, Irvine in 2006. (Mark Boster/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

NEW YORK – If you want to understand why the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, or BDS, has gained so much ground in the past two years, look no further than intersectionality, the study of related systems of oppression. Intersectionality holds that various forms of oppression — racism, sexism,… Read more »

Ramah is beloved tradition for Tucson family

Tucsonan Lisa Goldberg’s connections to Camp Ramah in Ojai, Calif., run deep. She’s been a Ramahnik since she first attended camp when she was 8 years old, having “inherited” Ramah from her mother, Mimi Dinin Sisk, who was one of the first campers at the California location, and her… Read more »

Tucson rabbis ask Ducey to reverse stance on refugees

As thousands continued to flee civil war in Syria, the Tucson Board of Rabbis sent a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey last month asking him to reverse his stand on barring refugees from entering Arizona. Citing the attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 by terrorists from the Islamic State,… Read more »

JFSA women seek Zehngut award nominees

The Women’s Philanthropy Advisory Council of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is seeking nominees for its 10th annual Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award. The award, honoring the late Bryna Zehngut, recognizes the outstanding achievements of a Jewish teenage girl in Tucson. Nominees must be current high school juniors or… Read more »

CAI plans casino night to benefit preschool

Congregation Anshei Israel’s Esther B. Feldman Preschool/Kindergarten will hold a casino night fundraiser on Saturday, Jan. 23. The adults-only evening will begin at 7:30 p.m. and include casino gambling (for fun and entertainment), hors d’oeuvres and dessert, a cash bar, live music and dancing, and a raffle. Among the… Read more »

Scholarships from local fund can help send kids to camp

The Coalition for Jewish Education of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is accepting applications for scholarships to Jewish overnight summer camps for the summer of 2016. The need-based scholarship assistance is funded by the Mo and Frances Beren Family Scholarship Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern… Read more »

Preserving history, moving forward at JHM

Bryan Davis

This past year, 2015, has been an historic year for an institution whose focus is the preservation of history. In December 2014 the Jewish History Museum received a lead gift that propelled our organization and our community into a yearlong effort to transform the Jewish History Museum campus. On… Read more »

LimmudAZ adult ed day returning to ASU

LimmudAZ will hold its second annual day of Jewish learning on Sunday, Jan. 31 at Arizona State University in Tempe. Was the real writer of Shakespeare’s plays a Jewish woman? Is there an answer to the water wars in the Middle East? What are the top 20 Jewish books… Read more »

Netanyahu announces establishment of new Druze town

The National Council approved a suggestion to construct a new community for the Druze in Israel on Tuesday morning, January 5. The initiative has been greatly supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since November 2012 when a decision was taken to establish such a community. The town, the first… Read more »

Can the Dubai model inspire Arabs?

DUBAI – At a time of civil war, anarchy, extremism, and impoverishment in the Middle East, the city-states of Dubai and Abu Dhabi stand out as the places where Arabic speakers are flourishing, innovating, and offering a model for moving forward. But can it last? I recently visited the… Read more »

Six numbers that describe Israel’s economy

An Israeli man scavenging for food, June 24, 2015. Israel has among the highest food prices among advanced democracies, a recent study found. (Nati Shohat/Flash 90)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — It has the highest poverty rate among affluent democracies, the fourth-worst income inequality and the seventh-lowest government spending on social services. Those are among the dismal conclusions of the State of the Nation report, an annual set of papers on Israel’s economy and society released… Read more »

Op-Ed: Proposed Israeli NGO law is hypocritical attack on left

An activist protesting a proposed NGO law outside the Tel Aviv residence of Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, Dec. 26, 2015. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash 90)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Yet again the Israeli Knesset is considering legislation to single out and punish progressive nongovernmental organizations, particularly the human rights groups that are such a thorn in the side of those who favor the continued occupation of the West Bank. Carefully constructed to evade the inevitable… Read more »

Op-Ed: The Force is strong with Conservative movement teens

Members of United Synagogue Youth reveling at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's 2015 convention. (Andrew Langdal)

BALTIMORE (JTA) — No spoilers here, but you must have noticed by now that “Star Wars” is everywhere. With the recent release of “The Force Awakens,” everyone from die-hard to casual fans are analyzing all aspects of the movie, from the posters to the cameos. The big questions fans… Read more »

7 things Miriam Adelson does — besides back GOP candidates

Miriam and Sheldon Adelson in Jerusalem to hear 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney deliver foreign policy remarks, July 29, 2012. (Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images)

(JTA) — Miriam Adelson and her husband, Sheldon, reportedly are at odds over which Republican presidential candidate deserves backing. But this isn’t a typical marital spat — it’s about which candidate most deserves to be showered with their money. Miriam Adelson, an Israeli-born physician, favors Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, while casino… Read more »

For ex-baseball players, Israel a place to learn and teach

Nate Fish, director of the Israel Association of Baseball, demonstrating pitching to Israeli kids. (Margo Sugarman/IAB)

  (JTA) – Out of baseball after four years playing in the minor leagues, Brent Powers, a Christian from Texas, took a tour of Israel last year with his wife. He was smitten with the country and considered how to return. The Masa Israel Journey will provide his path.… Read more »

In ‘Blind Love’ doc, Israelis learn to be witnesses to Nazi cruelty

Participants in the March of the Living walking with their guide dogs. (Yossi Zeilger)

TORONTO (JTA) — Fingers flit over a tombstone in Warsaw’s Jewish cemetery, caressing its faded Hebrew letters. Feet stumble on pathways at a Nazi death camp, crooked and strewn with stones. Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, punctures the sound of rustling leaves and hard rain in rural… Read more »