Tagged Hazon

Israeli bike ride promotes cooperation

Tucsonan Abe Rosin at a rest stop during the Jerusalem to Eilat 2014 Israel Ride

Abe Rosin saw a different side of Israel by bicycling 250 miles from Jerusalem to Eilat, Nov. 5 to 12. The retired engineer and dual American/Israeli citizen made aliyah in 1976 and lived in Israel for 20 years before moving to Tucson in 1999. “I’ve been an athlete all… Read more »

Amid drought, Jewish groups push conservation agenda

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Devorah Brous’ San Fernando Valley home is shaded by green trees, studded with 19 fruit trees and patrolled by a pair of affable chickens that strut around the backyard. But at the moment, she is eager to show a visitor her dying lawn. Comparing the… Read more »