Tagged gay inclusion

OP-ED After Orlando, LGBTQ Jews seek more than ‘solidarity’

Idit Klein (Courtesy of Keshet)

  BOSTON (JTA) — In the wake of the Orlando shooting, statements of solidarity with the LGBTQ community quickly tumbled forth. Some expressions of support came from unlikely sources such as the Orthodox Union and the Catholic Church. But what does a statement of solidarity mean in response to… Read more »

Jewish Scouting leaders vocal on gay inclusion

Scouts standing at attention during a Boy Scouts of America Memorial Day ceremony. (ShutterStock/Sandi Mako)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Jewish Scouting leaders are taking a vocal role in efforts to pass a historic resolution that would partially lift a ban on gays in the Boy Scouts of America. In a meeting of the National Jewish Committee on Scouting in February, members voted overwhelmingly in… Read more »