Tagged Farm Bill

Riding across the U.S., Hazon bikers are spokespeople for food justice

Particpants in the Hazon Cross-USA ride biking across Montana, June 2012. (Courtesy Hazon)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Eleven Jews are pedaling — and peddling — their message across the country. Joined by more than three dozen other bicyclists at segments along the way, participants in the Hazon Cross-USA Ride, a 10-week journey across America, are on a multifold mission. They are bringing attention… Read more »

­AJWS Reverse Hunger campaign targets U.S. global food aid policy

(New York) — American Jewish World Service (AJWS), an international development and human rights organization, unveiled its new Reverse Hunger campaign last month. The campaign seeks to rally the American Jewish community to challenge and change a critical factor contributing to global hunger — U.S. food aid policy. Developing… Read more »