Tagged Dutch Jews

In heavily Muslim Dutch neighborhood, a sukkah stirs controversy

Fabrice Schomberg outside his home in The Hague. (Cnaan Lihpshiz)

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (JTA) — For the tour guides that lead visitors through the Van Ostade Housing Project, Fabrice Schomberg’s sukkah is one of the few signs of the neighborhood’s Jewish roots. Built in the 19th century for impoverished Jews, the enclave today is surrounded by the largely Muslim… Read more »

In eye of Nazi storm, Dutch Jews found unlikely refuge

Onno Hoes, fourth from right, the Jewish mayor of Maastricht in Limburg, attending a commemoration ceremony for the city's Jewish Holocasut victims, Oct. 21, 2013. (Stuichting Joods Cultureel Erfgoed)

MAASTRICHT, Netherlands (JTA) — In her nightmares, Tilly Walvis pictured German soldiers storming the house where she was hiding and deporting her children and the Christian couple sheltering them. Walvis had good reason to fear. At the time, her family was living in the home of Albert and Frederika… Read more »

How culpable were Dutch Jews in the slave trade?

Rabbi Lody van de Kamp

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (JTA) — On a busy street near the Dutch Parliament, three white musicians in blackface regale passersby with holiday tunes about the Dutch Santa Claus, Sinterklaas, and his slave, Black Pete. Many native Dutchmen view dressing up as Black Pete in December as a venerable tradition,… Read more »