Tagged deportation

Rabbi’s expulsion rattles Russian Jews fearful of Kremlin crackdown

Rabbi Ari Edelkopf and wife Chana in 2009 in Sochi, Russia. (Courtesy of Federation of Jewish Communities)

(JTA) — Three years ago, Rabbi Ari Edelkopf and his wife, Chana, worked around the clock for weeks to show off their community and city to the many foreigners in town for the Winter Olympics in Sochi. The Chabad emissaries from the United States came to the city on… Read more »

‘Sarah’s Key’ unlocks closed chapter in French history

The worthy French film “Sarah’s Key” has two overriding aims, like the 2007 novel by Tatiana de Rosnay from which it’s adapted. The first is to expose a generally unknown — or willfully forgotten — chapter in France’s long, blemished relationship with its Jewish population. The other is to… Read more »