Tagged Cindy Wool Seminar on Humanism in Medicine

Cindy Wool Seminar will focus on ‘Mindsight’

Dan Siegel, M.D.

Dan Siegel, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine, exemplifies the mission of the Cindy Wool Memorial Seminar on Humanism in Medicine. Siegel is the author of “Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation,” an in-depth exploration of the power of the mind to integrate… Read more »

Listen to patients, doctor/novelist Abraham Verghese says at Cindy Wool seminar

Abraham Verghese, M.D.

In this age of high-tech medicine compassion can often be neglected, but the annual Cindy Wool Memorial Seminar helps provide a remedy for healthcare professionals in Tucson. The third seminar and dinner on humanism in medicine, held March 28 at the Marriott University Park Hotel, sought to support physicians… Read more »