Tagged Assad

As Syrian regime teeters, Israel prepares for security threats after Assad

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting soldiers in the Golan Heights near the Israeli-Syrian border, Jan. 13, 2013. (Kobi Gideon/Flash 90/JTA)

KATZRIN, Israel (JTA) — For nearly 40 years, Israel’s border with Syria has been, perhaps improbably, its quietest. The two countries technically have been in a state of war since the cease-fire that ended the 1973 Yom Kippur War. But over the past four decades, while Israel’s other borders… Read more »

After Gadhafi’s fall in Libya, is Syria’s Assad next?

(JTA) – He was the Arab world’s most quixotic leader. During the Reagan era, he was Public Enemy No. 1 in the United States. Later, after his apparent cooperation in dismantling nonconventional weapons, he became an ally to President George W. Bush’s administration in the war on terror. He… Read more »