Tagged Area c

Humanitarian aid or political meddling? Israel, EU clash over Palestinian buildings

A building funded by the European Union in the West Bank. EU-funded construction of some 1,000 buildings has stirred controversy. (Ben Sales)

MAALE ADUMIM, West Bank (JTA) — In a ramshackle village off a dirt road in the West Bank’s central hills, near an inhabited shack with a cloth roof and tin walls, stands an outhouse bearing a peeling sticker with the European Union flag. The text below the flag reads “Humanitarian… Read more »

Kerry, at contentious U.S.-Israel confab, asks Israel to consider perils of single state

Secretary of State John Kerry addressing the Saban Forum in Washington, D.C., Dec. 5, 2015. (Courtesy of Brookings Institution)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking at an annual U.S.-Israel confab, said Israel’s government must consider the consequences of evolving toward a single state incorporating the Palestinian areas. “How does Israel possibly maintain its character as a Jewish democratic state?” Kerry said Saturday at the Saban Forum in Washington,… Read more »