Tagged anti-Semitism in Arizona

ADL Arizona reports year-end rise in hate symbols

Carlos Galindo-Elvira

In the first 10 days of December, a series of six swastika incidents across Arizona were reported to ADL Arizona. The latest incident involved an elderly woman in Scottsdale who found a swastika drawing at her doorstep the morning after displaying her menorah during Hanukkah. This was the second… Read more »

ADL annual report: Anti-Semitic incidents in Arizona show record increase

Carlos Galindo-Elvira

The number of anti-Semitic incidents in Arizona surged to 26 in 2017, with the largest single-year increase on record for the region, the Anti-Defamation League said in a new report released Feb. 27. Nineteen percent of the incidents occurred in Tucson, including the bomb threats to the Tucson Jewish… Read more »