Tagged Andy Kunsberg

Philanthropy association to honor Jewish community members

Several Jewish community members will be among those honored Nov. 13 at the National Philanthropy Day virtual celebration hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Southern Arizona Chapter. Acclaimed restaurateur Janos Wilder will receive the award for Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser, one of the association’s major annual awards. Wilder was nominated by the Community Food Bank of Southern… Read more »

Social welfare calls bolster community bonds

To ease loneliness caused by COVID-19 social distancing during Passover this year, the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and the Jewish Community Foundation organized a Passover ‘Potluck’ held via Zoom on April 13, one of the intermediate days of the holiday.

As part of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and Jewish Community Foundation response to the coronavirus pandemic, staff and volunteers have made more than 1,300 social welfare phone calls to members of the community. The project is ongoing. “It started with my desire to reach out to donors of… Read more »

Federation to host Super Sunday event in philanthropy center

Leslie Glaze, co-chair of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Women’s Philanthropy Campaign for 2019, talks to Super Sunday volunteer Barbara Selznick, Jan. 27. (Photo: Debe Campbell/AJP)

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is planning its annual Super Sunday phone-a-thon this year for Jan. 26. The event, which raises funds for the 2020 Community Campaign, will be held 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. in a new venue: the Deanna and Harvey Evenchik Center for Jewish Philanthropy at 3718… Read more »

Community awards honor volunteers

Andy Kunsberg

This is the final part of a series on the Jewish agency volunteers who received 2019 Special Recognition Awards at the Jewish Community Awards celebration held May 9 at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. The evening also included the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s annual meeting. Andy Kunsberg, Jewish… Read more »

Tucson to Israel to Oregon, celebrating with cake, music, truffles, and movies

Newly-minted septuagenarian When Andy Kunsberg turned 70 in mid-December, his wife, Linda, planned a late December celebration. The party wasn’t a surprise but the guest list was. Relatives — daughter Rebecca Goodman, her husband Ted and their three children, plus Andy’s brother, brothers-in-law, nieces, great niece and nephews, from… Read more »

Cantor becomes rabbi, and Bet Shalom plans gala in celebration

Rabbi Avraham Alpert of Tucson speaks at his ordination at the Stephen Wise Temple in Los Angeles on May 29. (Photo: Aly Blue Photography)

Congregation Bet Shalom will celebrate the recent ordination of Rabbi Hazzan Avraham “Avi” Alpert next month at a gala event. Alpert says he’s both humbled by the attention and excited because the event supports his mission of reaching out to the entire Jewish community. Alpert’s personal journey began when… Read more »