
Bet Shalom starting Jewish Cub Scout pack

Congregation Bet Shalom is forming Cub Scout Pack 613. The pack will accept boys ages 6 to 10 and a half of any religious affiliation, but it will be a Jewish pack, observing all Jewish holidays and kosher laws. The pack will be directed by Frank Youdelman, who has… Read more »

Tucson lone soldiers’ parents: pride, fear

Tucsonan Shoham Ozeri, left, and a fellow IDF lone soldier in May 2014, more than a month before Israel launched Operation Protective Edge.

The intense fighting between Israel and Gaza has evoked mixed emotions for the parents of two local lone soldiers. Max Gan, 23, made aliyah in 2010 and was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces that November. He served as a paratrooper and is now in the army reserves. He… Read more »

Tucsonans visit Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital

On our recent trip to Israel with Temple Emanu-El my husband and I made a special trip to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. Special is indeed an understatement. Our mission was to deliver the adorable therapy dolls lovingly made by the women of Hadassah Southern Arizona, as well… Read more »

Tucsonan of many faiths join in prayers for peace in the Middle East

Oshrat Barel, director of the Weintraub Israel Center, and Rabbi Samuel M. Cohon of Temple Emanu-El at a Prayers for Peace in the Middle East multi-faith service on July 31, 2014.

As the latest Israel-Hamas conflict raged on, Tucsonans of many faiths gathered Thursday, July 31 at Temple Emanu-El to share prayers for peace in the Middle East. More than 200 people attended the multi-faith service, organized by Temple Emanu-El and the Weintraub Israel Center. The mood of the evening… Read more »

Tucsonans pray and fast for peace in Mideast at multi-faith events

Tearing cloth on erev Tisha b'Av to express grief over deaths in Gaza (L-R): Abby Okrent, Georgia Conroy (face obscured), Joyce Smith, Beth Lowry, Deborah Mayaan, John Heid

Tucsonans held small interfaith gatherings to pray for peace in the Middle East on July 14 and Aug. 4. On Aug. 4, the evening of Tisha b’Av, 13 people from Jewish, Islamic, Christian, Baha’i, and Buddhist faiths gathered in my living room for an event  Abby Okrent helped me… Read more »

Jewish community aids migrant women and children in Tucson

Amid national publicity on Central American migrants – from pro/con protests to faith-based assistance — the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona stands firm. JCRC has long been involved in border issues, says director Bryan Davis, noting that Jews were once strangers dealing with… Read more »

Massive terror tunnel discovered in Tucson’s partnership region

On July 23, the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona reported, the IDF discovered a massive terror tunnel extending from Gaza into the Israeli town of Netiv HaAsara. Netiv HaAsara is part of Tucson’s Partnership2Gether region of Kiryat Malachi/Hof Ashkelon. Tucson and the region have a longstanding relationship, and several families… Read more »

‘Borscht Belt Boys and Girl’ coming to Invisible Theatre

Jeff Haskell

        Invisible Theatre will kick off its Sizzling Summer Sounds cabaret series at Skyline Country Club with “Borscht Belt Boys and Girl,” featuring Jeffrey Haskell, Jack Neubeck and Katherine Byrnes, July 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. Susan Claassen, director of Sizzling Summer Sounds and creator… Read more »

PSA discoverer crusades against prostate cancer test

Dr. Richard J. Ablin

In 1970, Dr. Richard J. Ablin discovered the PSA, or prostate-specific antigen, which has been widely used as a screening test for prostate cancer since 1994. That test, he says, is a terrible mistake — a disaster that spawned a multi-billion dollar industry and has destroyed millions of men’s… Read more »

JFSA Northwest plans midsummer potluck

A potluck “Meet, Greet and Eat” brunch for “summer sunbirds” on July 20 will be a chance to connect with other Jews and build community on Tucson’s northwest side, says Anne Lowe, director of the Northwest Division of the Jewish Federation. The event is for singles, couples and families.… Read more »

STI Spirit program reprises ‘gold’ theme

(L-R) Rabbinic student Avrohom Luban talks with Tucsonans Max Lazar and Al Gordon during a “Spirit” study session. (Courtesy Southwest Torah Institute)

The Southwest Torah Institute’s long-running Dr. Paul W. Hoffert Spirit Program returns to Tucson Sunday, Aug. 10 through Friday, Aug. 22. The Spirit program offers two weeks of yeshiva-style learning, open to all Jewish men and boys ages 8 and up. Participants can study virtually any topic of Jewish… Read more »

Southwest Torah Institute July 4 message mixes patriotism, Judaism

In honor of Independence Day, the Southwest Torah Institute is offering “Proudly American, Devoutly Jewish, Thriving at Both,” a free multimedia presentation, at www.tucsontorah.org.  The 50-minute presentation is written and presented by Rabbi Israel Becker. “With this on-line presentation, you will find a refreshing look at the Jewish experience… Read more »

Hebrew High set for registration/1st night

(L-R) Isaac Zolot, Sarah Cassius, Zohar Amar and Maya Collier celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the birthday of the trees, during a break at Tucson Hebrew High.

Tucson Hebrew High will start off its 2014-15 school year with last-minute registration and the first night of classes on Tuesday, Aug. 12 at its host facility, Congregation Anshei Israel. At 6 p.m., incoming freshmen and new students will meet the faculty and join an opening program and pizza… Read more »

Living with muscular dystrophy, Tucson man inspires

“Freeing Your Mind,” painting by Julian Dombrowski

It was an exciting day for Julian Dombrowski and his family in early May, when he was accepted into an online graduate program in creative writing at Southern New Hampshire University. Dombrowski, 32, is wheelchair-bound with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a muscle disease that begins in childhood. The illness affects… Read more »

At the Tucson Jewish Community Center, making sure camp is inclusive

Kristin Taft

For the 400 school-age children attending Camp J at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, camp is an opportunity to make friends and beat the heat; however, for the 33 children in the Camp J Inclusion Program, it is also an opportunity to put their “special needs” labels aside and… Read more »

Bet Shalom Musical Mission to Israel hits the high notes

Congregation Bet Shalom at Masada. Back row (L-R): Debbie Rich, Helena Lamb, Debbie Belden, Norm Rubin; middle row: Paul Araiza, Tom Alpert, Cantor Avraham Alpert, Bernie Engelhard, Donna Popp, Kathy Rubin, Mesha Seckbach; front row: Keith Belden, Pedro Fajardo, Elinor Engelhard, Carol Alpert, Ezra Alpert, Nicholas Popp

Would you expect to find a Torah scribe atop the mountain fortress at Masada? That’s what happened during Congregation Bet Shalom’s Musical Mission to Israel, June 2-12. Just one day after our grandson Nicholas celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at Robinson’s Arch at the Kotel, he had the opportunity, along… Read more »

Tucson Hebrew Academy 8th graders bond on Israel adventure

Tucson Hebrew Academy eighth grade students partcipate in a team-building activity on the beach in the Hof Ashkelon region, recording their thoughts on the trip. Back, (L-R): Rafe Centuori, Jacob Anderson, Max Silverman, Adrian Lehrman, Benjamin Manninen, Avin Kreisler (obscured); front: Rochelle Felix, Dreo Polonski, Sapir Curiel, Alexis McKinstry, Emily Youngerman, Heidi Sexton, Alyssa Lee (Courtesy Tucson Hebrew Academy)

When Tucson Hebrew Academy eighth grad­ers Emily Young­erman and Alyssa Lee first spotted the Western Wall in Jerusalem, they squealed to each other, “Look! It isn’t just a picture anymore!” While most Tucson eighth graders finished up their year with paperwork and exams, the THA eighth grade class spent… Read more »