Posts By Jigsaw Digital

Op-Ed: To keep Jewish professionals, let them go

(JTA) — I recently attended a farewell party for someone switching jobs from one Jewish organization to another. Among many accolades, one person giving a toast said, “While we are sorry to lose him, at least he is still committed to working in the Jewish world.” While I appreciate… Read more »

SUKKOT FEATURE: What we can learn from the rich symbolism of Sukkot

( — There are more spiritually resonant symbols associated with the Festival of Sukkot than with any other major Jewish holiday. On Yom Kippur, the only visual marker is the special clothing many wear as symbols of teshuvah. On Passover, the redemptive symbol of matzah is joined by the… Read more »

SUKKOT FEATURE: Take it outside: Hail kale (salad), bring on the beef (stew)

Chopped kale salad with Apple and Roasted Beets is satisfying and sweet in the sukkah. (Shannon Sarna)

SUKKOT FEATURE Take it outside: Hail kale (salad), bring on the beef (stew) ( — During the summer we all relish al fresco dining. The moment we can bring our meals outside is always a happy one, and we schedule the summer months with picnics, barbecues and rooftop cocktails… Read more »

At Canada’s new human rights museum, should the Holocaust get special treatment?

Exterior shot of the $351 million Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg. (Flickr)

TORONTO (JTA) — On the fourth floor of the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights, visitors will find a gallery called “Examining the Holocaust,” which is devoted entirely to the story and lessons of the Shoah. On the same floor, in a smaller, adjacent space, a gallery called “Breaking… Read more »

Israeli envoy: Nuclear Iran is a ‘thousand times’ more dangerous than ISIS

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida greets Israel's U.S. ambassador, Ron Dermer, at a Jewish New Year celebration hosted by Dermer in Chevy Chase, Md., Sept. 17, 2014. (Courtesy Israel Embassy)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Saying a nuclear Iran would be a “thousand times” greater threat to the world than ISIS, Israel’s ambassador to the United States warned against including Iran in any coalition to derail the jihadist group. Ron Dermer, speaking Wednesday to guests at a pre-Rosh Hashanah reception at… Read more »

At 2014 U.N. General Assembly, ISIS likely to dominate discourse

Iranian President Hassab Rouhani, left, meeting with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 26, 2013. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

NEW YORK (JTA) — The circus is coming to town. No, there won’t be marching elephants, lion tamers or motorcycles jumping through rings of fire. But there may be wolves in sheep’s clothing, tightrope walking and motorcades blocking traffic. We’re talking, of course, about the United Nations General Assembly,… Read more »

HIGH HOLIDAYS FEATURE 5774: For Europe’s Jews, a year of upheaval and uncertainty

In the Paris suburb of Sarcelles, pro-Palestinian rioters broke shop windows and set fires, July 20, 2014. (Cnaan Liphshiz)

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (JTA) — A laconic man who abhors hysteria, the president of France’s CRIF umbrella of Jewish communities is not naturally inclined to emphasize his community’s fear in public, preferring to underscore French Jewry’s achievements and capacity to prosper despite recent hardships. But in a filmed interview… Read more »

Shofar so good: The Jews who inspired us in 5774

Alice Herz-Sommer, pictured here on her 107th birthday, was the subject of an Oscar-winning documentary. She died at 110. (Polly Hancock)

NEW YORK (JTA) – In a year with no shortage of bad news, these 10 Jewish individuals or groups inspired or impressed us in 5774. David Blatt, for leading underdog Maccabi Tel Aviv to the Euroleague title and weeks later nabbing the head coaching post of the NBA’s Cleveland… Read more »

Some lessons from the New Year texts

For the past several years, and again this year, I have been honored to be chosen to read the Torah in my synagogue on the first day of Rosh Hashanah – and each year I struggle with the troubling text and try to figure out what it is saying… Read more »

70 years on, a missing private comes home

A U.S. Army casket team lays to rest Pfc. Bernard Gavrin at Arlington National Cemetery while Rabbi Marvin Bash looks on, Sept. 12, 2014. (Ron Kampeas)

ARLINGTON, Va. (JTA) — The scene at Arlington National Cemetery last Friday was not quite routine, but nor was it unusual: A clergyman said a prayer, an army NCO handed Bernard Gavrin’s closest living relative a folded U.S. flag, and a volunteer — one of the “Arlington Ladies” who… Read more »

 Ahead of historic vote, many Scottish Jews wary of independence

Joe Goldblatt, a Texan who gained Scottish citizenship in July, campaigns for Scottish independence in Edinburgh, September 2014. (Ben Sales)

GLASGOW (JTA) — Bright blue signs scream “Yes” while red ones urge “No, thanks” in the streets of Scotland’s largest city just days before a vote on whether to secede from the United Kingdom. But at Frank Angell’s house, his windows are empty and his yard is bare. A… Read more »

Where high-tech meets High Holidays

NEW YORK (JTA) — Unplugging more from electronic devices has become a commonly cited resolution for both the Jewish and secular new years. But electronics are also increasingly becoming integrated into Jewish New Year observances. Here are some new offerings at the junction between high-tech and High Holidays. G-dcast,… Read more »

Why does Qatar support Hamas?

The emir of Quatar, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, right, with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, second from right, during an official visit to the Gaza Strip, Oct. 23, 2012. (Mohammed Salem-Pool/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – It was the first Persian Gulf state to establish ties with Israel, the first to welcome Israeli students and the only one to allow direct dialing to Israel. Israeli athletes shine on its courts. Now Qatar is on the outs with Israel because of its embrace… Read more »

Amid neo-Nazi surge, Jewish groups applaud Greece’s Holocaust denial ban

Anti-fascist protesters holding a banner in front of the Athens municipal ampitheater during a swearing-in ceremony for Golden Dawn party member Ilias Kasidiaris, Aug. 29, 2014. (Photo: Milos Bicanski/Getty Images)

ATHENS, Greece (JTA) — Jewish groups say the passage of a bill banning Holocaust denial and imposing harsher penalties for hate speech is an important milestone in the fight against Greece’s rising neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party. “This comes very late, but not too late,” World Jewish Congress CEO Robert… Read more »

HIGH HOLIDAYS FEATURE: Beyond the synagogue, a shofar’s call makes connections

At a traveling shofar stop by Brenda Rodman, an unexpected light show at the home of neon artist Stuart Ziff. (Edmon J. Rodman)

LOS ANGELES (JTA) — In preparation for the High Holidays last year, my community sent its shofar blower on the road. During the month of Elul, in the run-up to Rosh Hashanah, we are supposed to hear the shofar blown every day except Shabbat. Traditionally this is done in… Read more »

Amid declining Jewish caucus in Congress, rising concerns over communal influence

Jewish House members, present and past, clockwise from left, John Yarmuth, Nita Lowey, Jerrold Nadler, Henry Waxman, Brad Sherman and Howard Berman. (

WASHINGTON (JTA) – From 31 in 2009 to a likely 19 in January, the unofficial Jewish caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives is shrinking fast. Jewish lawmakers have traditionally been the first stop for Jewish lobbyists seeking inroads for their issues, including Israel, preserving the social safety net,… Read more »

Yiddish tango links time, space and musical styles

From left, Gustavo Bulgach, Divina Gloria and Cantor Marcelo Gindlin performing at the Skirball Cultural Center. (Courtesy of Skirball)

LOS ANGELES (JTA) – The music that packs the Skirball Cultural Center’s stately courtyard – Yiddish tango – is a musical hybrid twice over. On the tango side, it is a blend of African-born rhythms and a potpourri of European music styles. On the Yiddish side, it combines mournful… Read more »

HIGH HOLIDAYS FEATURE: Save the stress: Here’s an easy and pleasing Rosh Hashanah menu

The dough in the Balsamic Apple Date Challah for Rosh Hashana is sweet, laced with cinnamon, vanilla and just a touch of nutmeg. (Shannon Sarna)

( — When the Jewish New Year comes around, many people stress for weeks leading up to the holiday and break out their most complicated recipes to impress guests. But when I entertain around the holidays, I prefer to rely on a few go-to dishes that are simple to… Read more »