Yearly Archives 2020

Hillel International introduces Broadway Kol Nidre

This Sunday evening, Jews around the world will chant the Kol Nidre, the ancient Aramaic incantation repeated three times at the Yom Kippur evening ceremony. Hillel International, embracing the diversity of Jewish tradition, is sharing three distinct versions as part of its Higher Holidays program: A dramatized reading in… Read more »

Check out the AJP Advertising Directories


As part of the Arizona Jewish Post’s pivot to an all-digital platform, we’ve introduced new monthly ad directories. On Sept. 11, we kicked things off with two directories: L’Shana Tova Tikatevu 5781, featuring Rosh Hashanah greetings from community members and organizations, and the September – October 2020 Business Directory.… Read more »

One Zoom employee saved High Holidays streaming for 300 synagogues

Mitch Tarica is the streaming platform’s director of North American sales. (Courtesy of Tarica)

(JTA) — When Rosh Hashanah begins on Friday night, some 300 synagogues across North America streaming their High Holidays services via Zoom will be able to set it and forget it thanks largely to one man: Mitch Tarica. Tarica is the streaming platform’s director of North American sales. He’s… Read more »

A tale of two High Holidays: Why Orthodox Jews are going to synagogue while everyone else is on Zoom

A socially distanced outdoor service at the Green Road Synagogue in suburban Cleveland, June 2020. (Courtesy of Rabbi Binyamin Blau)

(JTA) – At the Jewish Center on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, this year’s High Holidays will be anything but normal. With eight services happening in various spaces throughout the building, on the roof and in the street (closed off to facilitate services), approximately 400 people will gather for socially distanced… Read more »

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, first Jewish woman to serve on Supreme Court, dies at 87

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg participates in a discussion at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 2020. (Sarah Silbiger/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the first Jewish woman to serve on the Supreme Court and a tireless advocate for gender equality, has died at 87. A fierce jurist known for her outsized presence and outspokenness, Ginsburg died from “complications of metastatic pancreas cancer,” the Supreme Court announced… Read more »

The Israel-UAE-Bahrain peace deals, explained

From left to right: UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump at the signing ceremony for the agreements on "normalization of relations" reached between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain at the White House, Sept. 15, 2020. (The White House/Tia Dufour/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

(JTA) — Israel has signed diplomatic agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, two of its Arab neighbors, and the word “historic” has been used a lot. For Israel and the region, the so-called Abraham Accords signings truly were historic: There was a big ceremony on the White… Read more »

Earl Surwit, M.D., 73, died Sept. 10

Earl Surwit, M.D., 73, died Sept. 10, 2020. Earl grew up in Maryland and earned a medical degree from Georgetown University. Earl grew up in Maryland. He graduated from Muhlenberg College and earned a medical degree from Georgetown University. He completed a residency at the University of North Carolina… Read more »

Danilo Fredman

A son, Danilo Judah Fredman, was born July 3, 2020 to Brenda and Daniel Fredman, M.D. of Tucson. Grandparents are the late Avery and Henrietta Fredman  of St. Louis, Missouri; José Netzahualcóyotl Ruíz, M.D., of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; and Guadalupe Gurrola of Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. Danilo joins his brother,… Read more »

JFSA and JCF to partner with SVP Fast Pitch program

Fast-Pitch-Finalists-on-StageFinalists from Social Venture Partner Tucson’s Fast Pitch 2017 celebrate on stage at the main event. (L-R) Danielle Figeuroa of Youth on Their Own, Liz Hernandez of Project Safe Place at Jewish Family & Children’s Services, Lisa Shipek of Watershed  Management Group, Amalia Luxardo of The Florence Project, Sean Cronin of Stories That Soar! at Literacy Connects, L’Don Sawyer of St. Luke’s Home, and Jennifer Moore of Abbie School (Social Venture Partners Tucson)

The Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona are collaborating with Social Venture Partners Tucson to grow and advance its Fast Pitch program, which helps local nonprofits raise funds, boost awareness, and build their capacity. In Fast Pitch, which debuted locally in 2015, SVP staff and volunteers… Read more »

THA to honor Mellans with Tikkun Olam award

Nancy and Stuart Mellan

Stuart Mellan, longtime leader of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, and his wife, Nancy, will be the honorees for Tucson Hebrew Academy’s 2020 Tikkun Olam Celebration. “Then and Now: Celebrating 25 Years of Leadership” will be presented as a YouTube video on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m.… Read more »

The Arizona Jewish Post transitions to digital

As of our Sept. 11, 2020 issue, the Arizona Jewish Post has pivoted to become an all-digital publication. All content, including articles, life cycle announcements, advertisements, and opinion pieces will be featured online at Why the change? On July 17, 2020, the board of directors of the Federation… Read more »

Chabad to present Mega Challah Bake online

Southern Arizona’s Mega Challah Bake will be held in your own kitchen this year — with Chabad providing live instructions and entertainment via Zoom, plus ingredients for those who want them. “It has been a delight to organize and host the Mega Challah Bake of Tucson over the past… Read more »

High Holiday profiles: Local environmentalists’ passion stems from Jewish roots, family

A view of the Arizona Desert Laboratory from atop Tumamoc Hill, with the sprawl of Tucson beyond it. (Photo Paul Mirocha)

The year 2020 has brought us face-to-face with many significant obstacles, from the global coronavirus pandemic to issues of racial injustice. Among the challenges that we are confronting is climate change, which forces us to ask ourselves, “How will we leave the environment for future generations?” In time for… Read more »

Childhood tales of oppression spur environmental advocate

lori_ann_burd_460pxLori Ann Burd

The echoes of oppression in Jewish history have shaped Lori Ann Burd’s strong sense of Jewish identity and desire to do good in the world. “I am so privileged, and have come from these people who fought so hard just to survive,” says Burd, 39. “I have literally no… Read more »

Water researcher links arid regions of Arizona, Israel, and Jordan

Sharon Megdal, Ph.D.

Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D., director of the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Arizona, was not always interested in water. She studied economics, planning to work in public policy, and became immersed in the world of water as part of that journey. “A lot of people just… Read more »

Environmental Education Exchange founder Markowitz empowers kids

Neil Markowitz

Neil Markowitz, 61, has been a contributing member of the Tucson community for over 25 years. His work in founding and running the Environmental Education Exchange (E3) as well as the time he gives to Jewish organizations has made an impact felt across the region. Markowitz has been working… Read more »