Harold Grinspoon, the founder of PJ Library, celebrated his 90th birthday July 27. Members of Southern Arizona’s PJ Library prepared a gift for Grinspoon, thanking him for making free Jewish-themed books available every month for children across the world, ages 6 months-8 years. The colorful birthday-thank you book, created by Mary Ellen Loebl, PJ Library coordinator in Tucson, with Michelle Shapiro, Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona graphic artist and PJ Library illustrator, contained pages for children to write and decorate their personal messages. A copy of the book is available in the Federation building lobby. The local program is a gift from the JFSA’s community engagement department, made possible by the Einstein-Sim, Loebl, Margolis, Rosenzweig, and Viner families, in partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Families may enroll their children at www.pjlibrary.org/enroll-in-a-community.
In Focus
PJ Library celebrates founder’s birthday