Tagged Memorial Day

JWV Memorial Day poppy sales fund programs for vets

Marking this Memorial Day, you’ll find members of the Friedman-Paul Post 201 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America offering traditional red poppy flowers for donations at Safeway supermarkets across Tucson. The post uses funds raised from twice-annual poppy sales to host monthly bingo sessions… Read more »

OP-ED We need to put the Yizkor back into Memorial Day

Flags planted by Jewish War Veterans of the United States Cleveland Post 14 at Zion Memorial Park in Bedford, Ohio, in honor of Memorial Day, 2015. (Jewish War Veterans of the United States, via Facebook)

NEW YORK (JTA) — In Israel, when the two-minute siren sounds at 11 a.m. on Yom Hazikaron, the Jewish state’s Memorial Day, the nation comes to a halt. As we saw just two weeks ago, cars on streets and highways pull over, and drivers and passengers get out of their vehicles… Read more »

Why Americans should mark Israeli Memorial Day

Guy Gelbart

Why do I expect American Jews to commemorate Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day?” This question has been keeping sleep from my eyes for the last several weeks. As a shaliach, getting people to come and celebrate the Israel 63 Festival on May 15 at the Tucson Jewish Community Center… Read more »