Tagged Goldie Klein

Business briefs 3.8.19

Bryan Davis, executive director of the Jewish History Museum and Holocaust History Center, co-chaired the Council of American Jewish Museums 2019 conference in Los Angeles March 3-5. Davis’ co-chair for the conference, “The Creative Challenge: Museums for the Next Generation,” was Gravity Goldberg, director of public programs and visitor… Read more »

Business briefs 3.31.17

DARKAYNU, Tucson’s Jewish Montessori preschool, will add a toddler program (ages 1-3) for the coming school year. The school is also adding special enrichment workshops in art, music and gymnastics for students ages 3-6. For more information, visit darkanyutucson.com or contact Esther Becker at 790-2784. INVISIBLE THEATRE will present… Read more »