Tagged documentary

NY House candidate Antonio Delgado’s wife opens up about the couple’s Jewish involvement

Antonio Delgado for Antonio Delgado for Congress Kingston, New York - May 11, 2018 CREDIT: Matt Roth

NEW YORK (JTA) — In 2014, Lacey Schwartz Delgado made headlines around the world for a documentary in which she explored a shocking family secret. “Little White Lie” tells Schwartz Delgado’s real-life story of being raised in a white Jewish family in the upstate New York town of Woodstock. Though… Read more »

New documentary asks if we’re ready to laugh at the Holocaust

Mel Brooks doing a Hitler bit in an interview for "The Last Laugh," director Ferne Pearlstein's new documentary about Holocaust humor. (Tangerine Entertainment)

NEW YORK (JTA) — In “The Last Laugh,” a new documentary about humor and the Holocaust (you read that right), the comedian Judy Gold tells this joke: If the Nazis forced her to stand naked on a line with other women, would she hold her stomach in? How you,… Read more »

In ‘Blind Love’ doc, Israelis learn to be witnesses to Nazi cruelty

Participants in the March of the Living walking with their guide dogs. (Yossi Zeilger)

TORONTO (JTA) — Fingers flit over a tombstone in Warsaw’s Jewish cemetery, caressing its faded Hebrew letters. Feet stumble on pathways at a Nazi death camp, crooked and strewn with stones. Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, punctures the sound of rustling leaves and hard rain in rural… Read more »