Tagged detention facilities

How a Holocaust survivor’s book helped this Rohingyan refugee survive brutal detention

Jaivet Ealom is now a political science student at the University of Toronto. (Cole Burston)

This story originally appeared on Alma. Jaivet Ealom is the only known person to have ever escaped the notoriously brutal Australian-run refugee detention center on Manus Island. As a Rohingyan refugee fleeing Myanmar’s campaign of genocide, Jaivet found himself imprisoned on the remote island near Papua New Guinea for three… Read more »

Detention facilities or ‘concentration camps’? A debate on names invokes the Nazis.

Children and workers at a tent encampment built recently near the Tornillo Port of Entry in Tornillo, Texas, June 19, 2018. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Editor’s note: President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday ending his administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents who were detained as they attempted to enter the United States. WASHINGTON (JTA) — Simmering beneath the heated debate over whether Holocaust references are appropriate in the debate over… Read more »