Tagged anti-Semitism on campus

This neo-Nazi group is behind those fliers blaming Jews for the Kavanaugh allegations

The Stormer Book Clubs took credit for anti-Semitic fliers that appeared across the country last week. (Anti-Defamation League/JTA Collage)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Fliers blaming Jews for the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh appeared in seeming random locations around the country last week. “Every time some Anti-White, Anti-American, Anti-freedom event takes place, you look at it, and it’s Jews behind it,” the fliers read. They showed an image of the… Read more »

Congress wants to define anti-Semitism for you. Here’s how that can get messy.

Demonstrators protest against Israel in New York City, June 2016. (Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Republican and Democratic lawmakers are lining up behind a bill that would define anti-Semitism. The measure introduced Thursday by Reps. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., who is Jewish, and Pete Roskam,  R-Ill., a leader on pro-Israel issues in the U.S. House of Representatives, at first looks like a… Read more »

OP-ED Fighting campus anti-Semitism is not just a good idea. It’s the law.

A student waving a Palestinian flag at a demonstration at Hunter College, part of the City University of New York system, Nov. 12, 2015. (Cem Ozdel/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

  NEW YORK (JTA) — Last week, the chancellor of The City University of New York released a report by CUNY-hired outside counsel investigating allegations of campus anti-Semitism. The investigation was triggered by a 14-page letter from the Zionist Organization of America to CUNY’s leadership, which noted, among other… Read more »

BDS on campus: When does ‘anti-Israel’ become anti-Semitic?

BDS demonstration at the White House in 2010 (Creative Commons)

(J) — Liana Kadisha, a senior at Stanford University, says some Jewish students on her campus feel they have to hide who they are. The 22-year-old knows of several who tuck their Star of David necklaces inside their shirts, self-conscious about drawing attention to their Jewish identity. That’s not… Read more »