
Teen honored with Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award

Jane Ash, one of the founders of the Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award, left, and Ital Ironstone with framed print by Julie Szerina Stein. (Marth Lochert)

The Advisory Council of the Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona awarded Ital Ironstone its seventh annual Bryna Zehngut Mitzvot Award at the Connections brunch on Sunday, March 3. The award recognizes an outstanding Jewish teenage girl. The council, which includes past Women’s Philanthropy chairs and… Read more »

UA professor will probe Kabbalah at Hadassah lunch

David Graizbord

David Graizbord, Ph.D., associate professor of Judaic studies at the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies, will present “Kaballah, What is it, Really and What does it Matter (Especially if You are Not a Hasid or Neo-Hasid)” at a Hadassah Southern Arizona luncheon on Sunday, March 17 at noon at… Read more »

Jewish War Veterans lunch to honor 117th anniversary

Jewish War Veterans Friedman-Paul Post 201 will sponsor a lunch meeting on Sunday, March 17 at noon in honor of the 117th anniversary of the national veterans’ organization. The guest speaker will be James Ross, administrator of the Arizona State Veteran Home in Tucson. Jewish War Veterans of the… Read more »

IDF officers to accompany Poland/Israel trip

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces is sponsoring a mission to Poland and Israel next month. Fifty IDF officers will accompany supporters of FIDF from the United States and Panama on the 10-day “From Holocaust to Independence” journey, April 8-19. In Poland, the group will travel to historical sites… Read more »

JFSA will match doctors, students for Seder

For Passover, the Maimonides Society of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona is continuing its new program of matching established Jewish doctors in Tucson with Jewish medical students and residents from the University of Arizona for home holiday meals and observances. If you are a doctor planning a Passover… Read more »

Swarm of 1 million locusts hits Israel

Hundreds of thousands of locusts fly over Ramat HaNegev in southern Israel, March 5. (Dudu Greenspan/FLASH90/JTA)

JERUSALEM (JTA) — A swarm of 1 million locusts crossed into Israel from Egypt. The locusts on Tuesday remained concentrated in areas of southern Israel near the border, but sightings were reported throughout the country, including Tel Aviv and the Carmel region of northern Israel. Residents of the Ramat… Read more »

Israel fest to highlight Israeli innovations

Tucson’s Israel 65 Festival next month will celebrate “Israel’s Incredible Innovations.” Some of Israel’s many claims to fame include: Computers: The USB flash drive, a portable memory storage system, developed by M-Systems Agriculture: The modern drip irrigation system that dispenses a single drop of liquid at a time, invented… Read more »

Rothschild to open Alzheimer’s conference

Mayor Jonathan Rothschild will give the opening remarks at an all-day seminar sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Chapter at the Tucson Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, March 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sessions at the 19th Annual Mayor’s Alzheimer’s Conference will include “Caregiving: Elder Law… Read more »

Volunteers wanted for JFCS Matza and More project, now in 43rd year

Jewish Family & Children’s Services is seeking volunteers and donations for its Matza and More project,, which it started in 1970. Local businesses, synagogues and Jewish organizations join JFCS in collecting and delivering a variety of food items to more than 200 individuals and families to help them celebrate… Read more »

Obama to Jews: Peace is essential but prospects are bleak

President Barack Obama, left, talking with Chief of Staff Jack Lew, center, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as they walk on the colonnade of the White House, shortly before the president announced Lew as hs nominee to replace Geithner as treasury secretary, Jan. 10, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — President Obama believes prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace are “bleak,” but he still will urge both sides to avoid unilateral actions that might further damage a process he hopes will be back on track within a year. That was the message Obama delivered Thursday in a meeting… Read more »

Avi Shabbat at UA Hillel helps break down Muslim/Jewish stereotypes

Ipara Bolan (right) and Georgia Trester take part in an eyes-closed get-to-know-you exercise at the University of Arizona Hillel’s Avi Shabbat on Feb. 8. (Courtesy UA Hillel Foundation)

If a college student told you that as a child she studied violin with a strict Russian Jewish teacher, would you think that she’s Jewish … or Muslim? Participants at the University of Arizona’s second interfaith Avi Shabbat were surprised to discover that this childhood experience belonged to Ipara… Read more »

Israel snapshot: Revamped Yad Vashem blends digital, old-style exhibits

Israel Defense Forces soldiers visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial museum, as part of their training. (Sheila Wilensky/AJP)

Sheila Wilensky was in Israel recently with the American Jewish Press Association. The new Yad Vashem museum, run by The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, was packed when I visited on Jan. 14. I had toured the museum, which was established in 1953, with my daughter 20 years… Read more »

In Tucson, J Street pitches urgency of two-state solution

Dylan J. Williams, J Street director of government affairs (left) and Tucsonan Larry Gellman, J Street National Advisory Committee member, at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, Feb 13 (Sheila Wilensky/AJP)

Israel’s current situation vis-a-vis the West Bank is untenable, and it’s even worse with Gaza, making movement toward a two-state solution ever more urgent. That was the message Dylan J. Williams, J Street’s director of government affairs, delivered in Tucson on Feb. 13 at a luncheon sponsored by Jewish… Read more »

Flower of Israel Mikveh to dedicate Women of Valor windows

Stained glass window representing Rachel, the wife of Rabbi Akiva, by Ami Shamir

Perach Yisroel, the Flower of Israel Mikveh at Congregation Chofetz Chayim, will dedicate new stained glass windows and unveil a metal logo sculpture on Sunday, March 17. “Since its opening in 2004, the Perach Yisroel Mikveh has proudly served all members of the Tucson Jewish community … regardless of… Read more »

Long the bane of Venezuelan Jews, Chavez is gone. Now what?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, right, shaking hands with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the Venezuelan capital of Caracus, Nov. 27, 2009. (Omar Rashidi/PPO via Getty Images)

(JTA) — For more than a decade, Venezuelan Jews have been holding their breath, subject to the whims of a mercurial president who used his bully pulpit to intimidate, rail against Israel and embrace Iran. There was the police raid of a Caracas school in 2004, allegedly to search… Read more »

Israeli economist peddling new plan to equalize Arab university presence

Manuel Trajtenberg, the chairman of the Council for Higher Education in Israel, will present a plan aimed at better integrating Israel's Arab minority into universities. (Council for Higher Education in Israel)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Unlike most economists, Manuel Trajtenberg does not spend his days cloistered in university classrooms and think tanks far from the public eye. The Tel Aviv University professor gained attention in 2011, in the aftermath of massive social protests that gripped Israel, when he led a… Read more »

At AIPAC confab, sequester looms large

Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, has been a prime figure in negotiations to avoid the sequester, which pro-Israel advocates worry could imperil the security of the Jewish state. (Courtesy AIPAC)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Imminent threats threading through the rhetoric at AIPAC conferences is hardly new, but this year’s alarm raising had a unique wrinkle: In addition to the prospect of a nuclear Iran, the other danger targeted by the pro-Israel lobby was domestic — sequestration. The message hammered home… Read more »

With time running out to form a government, Netanyahu facing tough choices

Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid hugging Jewish Home party chief Naftali Bennett following Lapid's first speech at the Knesset, Feb. 11, 2013. (Miriam Alster/Flash90.JTA)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — When he emerged bruised but unbeaten following the Jan. 22 elections, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faced some tough choices. Should he aim for a narrow, right-wing governing coalition comprised of haredi Orthodox, nationalist and religious Zionist parties that would give him a narrow majority… Read more »

As Palestinian riots fizzle, fears of third intifada die down

Palestinian protesters throwing stones outside Israel's Ofer military prison in the West Bank, near Ramallah, Feb. 25, 2013. (Issam Rimawi/Flash90/JTA)

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Palestinians were marching, rocks were flying, tires were burning and prisoners were hunger-striking. Prompted by accusations that Israel was responsible for the death of a Palestinian detainee while in an Israeli prison, West Bank Palestinians erupted last month in a wave of riots on a scale… Read more »

Israel at 65: As world’s largest exporter of drones, Israel looks to transform battlefield

The Heron TP, Israel Aerospace Industries' largest drone, weighs five tons and can fly 50 consecutive hours. (Ben Sales/JTA)

AIRPORT CITY, Israel (JTA) — An Israeli soldier sits in an office chair in an air-conditioned metal chamber staring at two screens side by side. One shows a map with a moving dot. The other displays a video feed. Next to the soldier are three more identical stations. The… Read more »