
Ivanka Trump is pregnant with her third child

(JTA) — If you can’t get enough Trump, good news: Another one is on the way! Ivanka Trump, who converted to Judaism in 2009, announced across her social media platforms that she is expecting her third child with husband Jared Kushner, a real estate mogul who owns the New… Read more »

Russia’s kosher kingpin aims to launch halal-meat empire

Pinhas Slobodknik center, with staff at a Moscow event serving kosher food in 2014. (Courtesy Pinhas Slobodnik)

MOSCOW (JTA) — At Russia’s largest kosher food factory, owner Pinhas Slobodnik welcomes his Muslim workers with a greeting in Arabic that he pronounces in a thick Russian accent. Some 120 workers, most from the predominantly Muslim republics of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, are employed at the factory — a sprawling… Read more »

Israeli ministry plows ahead with ‘world Jewry’ project, even as funding and future remain uncertain

Natan Sharansky, left, head of the Jewish Agency, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the latter's Jerusalem office, June 18, 2013. (Kofi Gideon/Flash90)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — With a budget reaching $300 million, it was conceived as a broad partnership between the Israeli government and leading Diaspora Jewish groups. Its goal: to create a stronger connection between global Jews and Israel. But nearly two years after its launch was announced with much… Read more »

Surging Trump, Carson have Republican Jews worried

Donald Trump and Ben Carson at the second Republican presidential debate at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California on Sept. 16, 2015. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – The Republican Jewish establishment is watching the surge of political outsiders — like Donald Trump and Ben Carson — in the presidential primaries with dismay. “It’s like we have a conference call every morning, and we ask, ‘What can we do to screw ourselves up today?’”… Read more »

Novelist finds nuance beyond notoriety of Rosenbergs

Two women, both mothers, become friends; the concept is simple enough. And when you get down to the nuts-and-bolts of it, it only seems logical, really: they live on the same floor of the same building in Cold War-era Knickerbocker Village, an apartment complex in New York City; their… Read more »

Scholar to discuss exiled composers at JHM

Sabine Feisst

The Jewish History Museum has partnered with Arizona Opera to bring Arizona State University professor Sabine Feisst to Tucson for a night of history, music and culture. On Thursday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m., Feisst will present “Arizona Lady and Exiled Composers from Nazi-Occupied Europe,” a historical account of… Read more »

Shul, interfaith council to host bond election discussion

The social action committee of Congregation Or Chadash and the Pima County Interfaith Council will present “Voting and Social Justice,” a discussion of the pros and cons of the Pima County bond election, on Thursday, Oct. 1, from 7-8:30 p.m. in room 8 at Or Chadash. Seven propositions are… Read more »

Jews in Singapore topic for Hadassah lunch

Anne Lowe

Anne Lowe, who recently spent five weeks in Singapore, will give a slide presentation on “The Jews of Singapore: Past and Present” at a Hadassah Southern Arizona lunch on Sunday, Oct. 18, 11:30 a.m. at Lodge on the Desert, 306 N. Alvernon Way. In Singapore, Lowe attended services at… Read more »

Young women plan 4th Mahj and Mitzvahs

The Young Women’s Cabinet of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona will hold its fourth annual Mahj and Mitzvahs event on Wednesday, Oct. 7, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Tucson Hebrew Academy. Mah jongg players of all levels, including beginners, are welcome. Participants will make care packages to donate to the… Read more »

Beckers to lead third community trip to Israel

Rabbi Israel and Esther Becker of Southwest Torah Institute and Congregation Chofetz Chayim will host a “Love of the Land” orientation meeting Wednesday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. to introduce their third Tucson Jewish community Israel trip, which is slated for May 22 through June 5, 2016. Refreshments will… Read more »

UA panel probes technical, political, regional facets of Iran deal

From left, University of Arizona professors Philip A. Pinto, Faten Ghosn and Asher Susser serve as panelists for “The Iranian Nuclear Agreement: Containment or Catastrophe” held Sept. 17. (Courtesy Arizona Center for Judaic Studies)

Iran will not be able to produce a nuclear weapon in the near future; the most recent Iranian nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, makes it so. This was the consensus of a panel of University of Arizona professors who met Thursday, Sept. 17, to… Read more »

How Israeli volunteers on the ground in Europe are helping Syrian refugees

A dinghy carrying refugees arriving at a beach on the island of Lesbos in northern Greece. (Boaz Arad/IsraAid)

LESBOS, Greece (JTA) — As the small rubber dinghy crowded with Syrians and Afghans emerged from the midnight-black sea to land on a desolate pebble beach, the first people to greet the bewildered and frightened refugees were two Israelis. “Does anyone need a doctor?” Majeda Kardosh, 27, a nurse… Read more »

In Austria, a Jewish sheep breeder shepherds migrants

Hans Breuer at his pasture near Vienna, March 2015. (Courtesy of Hans Breuer)

(JTA) — Even at his remote sheep pasture in the Austrian countryside, Hans Breuer was too disturbed by the plight of the Syrian refugees streaming into his country to go about his daily routine. Especially troubling to Breuer, a 61-year-old Jewish shepherd and singer of Yiddish songs, were the overcrowded conditions at… Read more »

A bump in the road turned into a Ride to Conquer Cancer

(Heritage Florida Jewish News via JTA) – It all started with a little bump on his neck. Now Jason Mendelsohn is on a mission to conquer cancer and spread the word about human papilloma virus-related cancer, or HPV. In April 2014, Mendelsohn was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, which… Read more »

Yeshiva University President Richard Joel to step down

Richard Joel

NEW YORK (JTA) — Richard Joel, the president of Yeshiva University, announced that he will step down by the end of his current term. Joel, 65, made the announcement Sept. 10 in an email sent to Y.U. staff, students and alumni, and obtained by JTA. His term is set… Read more »

Washington scandal reveals politics behind European Jewish memorials

WEIMAR, GERMANY - APRIL 12: The figural group by Fritz Cremer and the belltower at the memorial for the victims of the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald are seen during the marking the 70th anniversary of the camp's liberation which takes place at the Buchenwald memorial on April 12, 2015 near Weimar, Germany. The Nazis began incarcerating mostly political prisoners at the camp in 1937, and later added Jews and prisoners-of-war in an operation that provided slave labor for factories in the region. An estimated 56,000 prisoners died at Buchenwald before its liberation by U.S. troops on April 11, 1945 following an uprising by prisoners. (Photo by Jens Schlueter/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) – A small government agency for preserving European historical sites has been accused of criminal malfeasance, roiling Jewish community officials who say the agency has played a critical role in memorializing Europe’s Jewish past. The controversy surrounding the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad offers a… Read more »