
Local teachers cement bond with counterparts on Partnership trip to Israel

Partnership2Gether School Twinning program participants at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Feb. 2. (L-R) Back row: Adi Olshansky, Danielle Weiss, Zohar Bisker, Daniella Cohen, Keren Mor, Jill Sobieszyk, Orly Gros, Kim Spitzer, Nili Cohen-Hammer, Adi Shacham, Jeanette Butcher, Ofra Gueta, Nichole Chorny; front: Yochi Azran, Allie Silber (Weintraub Israel Center)

A delegation of Tucson educators representing Jewish organizations experienced Israel in a meaningful, weeklong cultural exchange during rodeo school break in late February. Jeanette Butcher (Tucson Jewish Community Center), Nicole Chorny and Kim Spitzer  (Congregation Anshei Israel), Allie Silber (Temple Emanu-El), Jill Sobieszyk (Congregation Or Chadash) and I were… Read more »

JFCS Matza & More sees local needs increase

Volunteers unload groceries for Jewish Family & Children’s Services’s 2018 Matza & More campaign. (Jewish Family & Children's Services)

For more than 40 years, Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona’s Matza & More project has packed and delivered Passover bags to Tucson area families who otherwise could not afford food and items for a Seder. Volunteers and staff fill the bags with fresh vegetables, gefilte fish,… Read more »

Local pet lovers have options for day, overnight animal care, socialization

Janice Fischer provides daycare and overnight stays at Camp Doganuga. (Courtesy www.campdoganuga)

About 28 percent of American households have dogs. That’s a whopping 90 million four-legged friends, or as many dog-owners prefer to say, family members. When dog-owners are unable to take their fur babies with them, or when they want to offer them some social interaction, daycare or overnight care… Read more »

Easy-care houseplants for Southern Arizona’s low-humidity climate

Many members of the bromeliad family do well as house plants. (Photos courtesy: Pixbay.com)

Houseplants are trendy once more — which is “groovy” or “cool beans” or maybe just plain super. Not only do plants make oxygen for us to breathe, they bring nature indoors and can help us relax. And there are so many pretty ones to choose from. BUT! Here in… Read more »

Finding ourselves in familiar, unfamiliar places

With a name like Batsheva, I also have a Starbucks name, “Beth,” for ordering in person. I know that the name Batsheva is not easy for people. It might be the first time that they encounter the name and that it is hard to spell if you are not… Read more »

PAWS treatment options help maintain pet wellness

he heated underwater treadmill at PAWS provides hydrotherapy benefits. (Courtesy PAWS)

There are scores of veterinary clinics in Southern Arizona, many that have specialties. PAWS Veterinary Center is an integrated health care center, combining the science of conventional medicine with the benefits of alternative therapies. These complementary alternate options include ancient Chinese therapies with herbs, acupuncture, pulse and tongue diagnosis,… Read more »

Tucson tops most favorable rent, salary gap

Looking to stretch your dollar a little further this year? If you live in a city where you paid less rent than the average American and get to keep more of your paycheck — you’re essentially earning more than you would in a city where rent was steeper. The… Read more »

Youth group conventions and a home turf visit for a Stanford b-ball player

Breanna Yalen (left) and Maya Levy at NFTY convention (Courtesy Maya Levy)

Way to go, Maya! Maya Levy was elected 2019-20 North American Federation of Temple Youth president at the NFTY convention, held Feb. 15-18 in Dallas. She was NFTY Southwest regional president before attaining this role as head of the North American board. Maya, a University High School senior, was… Read more »

Tucson’s Markzon to bring Thunderbirds, lightning over Arizona

U.S. Air Force Maj. Jason Markzon on point of his Thunderbirds Demonstration squad (USAF)

There’s always excitement when the elite Thunderbirds Demonstration Squad roars into Tucson’s Davis-Monthan U.S. Air Force Base for an air show. But this year’s “Thunder and Lightning Over Arizona,” March 23-24, brings a hometown pilot soaring into town for the performance. Maj. Jason Markzon, flying the #8 slot and… Read more »

Northwest bus trip to examine border status

Learn more about what’s happening along the Arizona border with an informative trip south. The Ruth and Irving Olson Center for Jewish Life in the Northwest and Hadassah Southern Arizona will sponsor a bus journey to the border Tuesday, March 12. Stops will include Humane Border’s water station in… Read more »

Inclusion topic for professional training at J

The Special Abilities and Inclusion Initiative, in partnership with the Tucson Jewish Community Center, is offering a free daylong professional development opportunity next month through Matan, a New York-based organization. Matan advocates for the inclusion of diverse learners and educates Jewish leaders, educators, and communities, empowering them to create… Read more »

Museum dialogue will put refugee history, current events in context

Steven J. Zipperstein, left, and Mark Hetfield

A “brunch and learn” program next month, hosted by the Jewish History Museum, pairs noted author and Stanford professor Steven J. Zipperstein with Mark Hetfield, the chief executive officer of HIAS, a national refugee protection agency, for an interactive community dialogue. “The program, ‘Learning from the Past, Rising to the… Read more »

Lecture, photo display to spotlight Israeli humanitarians

An IsraAid volunteer helps Syrian refugees come ashore on the island of Lesbos, Greece. IIsraAID)

Rachel Wallace will present “Humanitarian Heroes Around the World” as the Weintraub Israel Center’s Gertrude and Fred Rosen Memorial Lecture next month. The free lecture marks the launch of a month-long photo exhibit at the Tucson Jewish Community Center, “Stories of Courage and Resilience.” The Tucson J will host… Read more »

Tucson to Israel to Oregon, celebrating with cake, music, truffles, and movies

Newly-minted septuagenarian When Andy Kunsberg turned 70 in mid-December, his wife, Linda, planned a late December celebration. The party wasn’t a surprise but the guest list was. Relatives — daughter Rebecca Goodman, her husband Ted and their three children, plus Andy’s brother, brothers-in-law, nieces, great niece and nephews, from… Read more »