Posts By PHYLLIS BRAUN - AJP Executive Editor

Brady Bayard

Brady Bayard, son of Beth and Johnny Bayard of San Marcos, California, will celebrate becoming a b’nai mitzvah with his cousin Shane Preston Glesinger on March 7 at Temple Solel in Cardiff by the Sea, California. He is the grandson of Sue and Sonny Ross of Tucson and Cecilia and Rick Bayard… Read more »

Elizabeth Warren, who drew progressive Jewish support, quits presidential race

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who drew strong support from Jewish progressives, has dropped her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. Multiple media outlets reported Warren’s decision on Thursday in the wake of a disappointing primary campaign in which she failed to win a single state, including… Read more »

In Texas, a conservative Jewish teen helps unite Democrats and Republicans

Adam Hoffman is developing a curriculum on how to overcome political polarity. (Diller Foundation/JTA)

Adam Hoffman isn’t your average American Jewish teen. The grandchild of Holocaust survivors on his mother’s side, he’s a sixth-generation Texan on his father’s side. An Orthodox native of Houston and graduate of Jewish day schools, Hoffman, 19, is now a freshman at Princeton University in New Jersey. What… Read more »

Mike Bloomberg suspends his campaign and endorses Joe Biden

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Mike Bloomberg, the former New York mayor who ran a self-funded campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, dropped out of the race the day after disappointing Super Tuesday results. “I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot… Read more »

Elizabeth Warren: Trump’s Middle East peace plan is a disaster. I’ve got a plan for that.

Elizabeth Warren speaks at a campaign rally on the campus of Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb. 1, 2020. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

(JTA) — This is the fourth op-ed in a series of pieces about anti-Semitism and Jewish issues written by 2020 presidential candidates. This one is by Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic senator from Massachusetts.  The Jewish Telegraphic Agency has sent five questions about anti-Semitism and Jewish issues to all of… Read more »

I enjoyed the Belgian carnival that featured anti-Semitic floats. Then I searched for homes in Israel.

Men wearing suits portraying haredi Jews with an ant's abdomen and legs at the annual procession of the carnival in Aalst, Belgium, Feb. 23, 2020. (Cnaan Liphshiz)

AALST, Belgium (JTA) — I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about the Holocaust. Partly as a consequence of covering Jewish news in Europe at a time of rising anti-Semitism, Holocaust associations often come to mind in my daily life — on crowded trains, for example. But… Read more »

The Jewish history of America’s most famous ice cream

(Getty Images)

This story originally appeared on The Nosher. Chunky Monkey. Rum Tres Leches. Banana Nut Fudge. Who gave the world the gift of these delectable ice cream flavor inventions? While Italian immigrants are traditionally given credit for opening the first ice cream parlors in the United States in the early… Read more »

New York City’s latest tactic to combat anti-Semitism: An ad campaign featuring diverse Jewish New Yorkers

Marquis Hollie hopes the campaign can increase awareness of diversity in the community and bring Jews together. (NYC Commission on Human Rights)

NEW YORK (JTA) — New York City is hoping that a new ad campaign will make Jewish New Yorkers feel comfortable despite a recent spate of anti-Semitic attacks. The campaign, launched Wednesday by the city’s Commission on Human Rights, consists of four ads each featuring a photograph of a… Read more »

From bialy to ‘Jew York,’ Oxford English Dictionary adds dozens of (sometimes offensive) Jewish-themed words and phrases

The Oxford English Dictionary added several Yiddish terms in 2020. (In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images)

(JTA) — It’s not just “yiddo.” The Oxford English Dictionary has just added a slew of Jewish-themed and Yiddish terms, some of which are sure to offend. The venerable institution’s list of new entries for January 2020 contains dozens of items with Jewish content, from “bialy” to “Jewfro” to… Read more »

Bernie Sanders releases new ‘proud to be Jewish’ video

(JTA) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has released a new campaign video in which he says he is “very proud to be Jewish” and that he looks forward to “becoming the first Jewish president in the history of this country.” The two minute and 40 second video also… Read more »

Is 2020 really the year for America’s first Jewish president? As Sanders and Bloomberg surge, here are their paths to victory.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and wife Jane walk together after greeting his campaigners outside a polling station in Manchester, N.H., Feb. 11, 2020. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg have much in common besides running for the Democratic nomination for president: They’re in their upper 70s, had hardscrabble upbringings and have had contentious relations with the party whose endorsement they now seek. And both are seeking the chance to make… Read more »

In Warsaw, elderly Poles who rescued Jews during the Holocaust have a free taxi service

Anna Stupnicka-Bando, the 90-year-old president of the Polish Association of the Righteous Among the Nations, gets set to enter one of the taxis for saviors of Jews, in Warsaw, Poland, Jan. 29, 2020. (Cnaan Liphshiz)

WARSAW, Poland (JTA) — Outside one of this city’s many brutalist apartment buildings, passersby stop to stare at and photograph a London-style taxi emblazoned with large Star of David symbols. Some seem puzzled by the out-of-place sight. Others look delighted to encounter something they’ve seen or heard about in… Read more »

In Moldova, Jewish teens go to schools to dispel anti-Semitic stereotypes

Vicky Ignatiuk, left, and Kate Kliuchevschi, 13-year-old Christian students in Moldova, munch on Passover matzah brought to their Chisinau classroom by two Jewish visitors. (Larry Luxner)

CHISINAU, Moldova (JTA) — Fifteen Christian seventh-graders at the City Theater School in this capital city sit in a circle listening attentively while two Jewish teenagers visiting their classroom talk about Jewish traditions. “What do you think a Jew looks like?” asks Arina Andriuschenko, standing at the blackboard with… Read more »

As a former Israeli lawmaker, I know Trump’s peace plan won’t work. But it could strengthen Arab-Israeli relations.

The Arab League held an emergency meeting to discuss the U.S.-brokered proposal for a settlement of the Middle East conflict at the league headquarters in Cairo, Feb. 1, 2020. (Khaled Desouki/AFP via Getty Images)

TEL AVIV (JTA) — President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan will probably not achieve its stated goal of bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but it might just bring about peace between Israel and more of its Arab neighbors. Here’s why. Over the past several years, Israel… Read more »