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Planning for the 2025 JCC Maccabi Games ® is “Warming Up”   

The Tucson J is thrilled to officially announce Tucson as a host site for the 2025 JCC Maccabi Games ® — the world’s largest in-person Jewish youth sporting event. Returning to the Old Pueblo for the first time in 25 years, the Olympic-style sports competition will be held July 27 through August 1, 2025, and engage Jewish teens aged 12 to 16 in experiences that deepen Jewish identity and develop values and pride through healthy competition and sportsmanship.

Tucson will also host JCC Maccabi Access featuring activities for athletes with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the same period.  As signature programs, JCC Maccabi Games and Access not only offer Jewish teens a unique social, cultural and life-shaping experience, but also enrich Jewish life by fostering life-long relationships built on a foundation of belonging and peoplehood. Beyond the sporting arena, highlights of the week include opening and closing ceremonies, time dedicated to acts of tikkun olam and social events.

The timing of the 2025 JCC Maccabi Games’ return to Tucson is particularly special for the Tucson J which is also celebrating its 70th anniversary serving the Tucson community and 36th year at its campus on River Road.

“For decades, the J has stood as a pillar of the Tucson community, creating a vibrant and welcoming Jewish environment that encourages people to lead engaged lives of meaning and purpose,” said Todd Rockoff, Tucson J President and CEO. “Hosting the JCC Maccabi Games ® embodies our enduring commitment to Jewish values and community-building, while providing an extraordinary opportunity to engage with Jewish teens—the very foundation and future of Jewish continuity.”

The Tucson J anticipates 75 – 100 local Jewish teens and five Access athletes will compete in the 2025 JCC Maccabi Games, making it the largest Tucson delegation in 20 years. Together with athletes from around the country and across the globe, over 1,000 participants, coaches, delegation heads and spectators are expected to travel to Tucson for five days of non-stop action and excitement as the Games unfold. With events occurring at venues across the city, our vibrant community will be on full display and a coordinated effort is needed to make the Games a success.

“We are honored to spearhead this meaningful event alongside our Jewish community members and lay leaders,” said Barney Holtzman, chair of the Tucson JCC Maccabi Games. “Active participation is essential in creating an experience that not only inspires young Jewish athletes but instills in them the timeless values that connect them to their individual Jewish identities and to global Jewish peoplehood.”

Participating corporate sponsors Coca-Cola and JCC Association of North America will join local community partners in supporting the 2025 JCC Maccabi Games in Tucson

All are invited to experience the magic of JCC Maccabi. From volunteers to host families to community partners, there’s an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the strengthening of Jewish identity and community bonds. The energy and excitement of the event promises to leave a lasting, positive imprint on all who participate.  For more information on how you can get involved contact or visit