On Campus | Post-Its

L’Shana Tova from UArizona Hillel Foundation!

Clockwise (from top): Freshfest trip to Bisbee Mines, Stay Classy Shabbat, Welcome Back BBQ

Interim Executive Director, Jennifer Camano, CFRE is delighted to have joined the dedicated and lively team at UAHillel. Tucson’s Jewish Wildcat Headquarters has been busy acting as a home away from home for all kinds of Jewish students. This year’s programming has gotten off to a robust start with engagement numbers topping 500 students! Check us out on Instagram for invitations to and documentation of all the fun and learning happening.

This year for the first time, UArizona Hillel ran Freshfest, an early move-in program that brought Jewish Freshman together to explore Southern Arizona. Activities included a parent-student breakfast, a student day trip to Bisbee, s’mores at Hillel, and teaching new students how to use the sunlink!

An exciting update for us this year: a generous donor is providing Kosher meat Shabbat To-Go Dinners every Friday! This is a big deal for us, and we are incredibly grateful to this student’s family for generously making this available. Speaking of Shabbat, we are excited to provide services and dinners every Friday this fall.  Please consider joining us on Fridays at 5:00 pm for the pre-service schmooze.

Our Incredible Guest Rabbi, Rabbi Lily Solochek is visiting from Maine again this year and will be leading services for the high holidays. We are incredibly grateful to Rabbi Lily and their family for making our holidays meaningful, accessible, and thought-provoking. Rabbi Lily (they/them) is a lifelong educator who became a rabbi to create Jewish spaces that are accessible to all. They received ordination from the reconstructionist rabbinical college and have served as a rabbi in a variety of settings, from summer camps and Hillels, to retirement homes and synagogues. Rabbi Lily is the director of the Wenger-Markowitz family education initiative at reconstructing judaism. Rabbi Lily is passionate about the intersections of Jewish values and social justice, using Jewish ritual and learning to strengthen community commitment to change. Lily lives in Maine with their wife, Lanni, and loves to hike, garden and read science-fiction.

This is a mere sampling of the exciting programs we have planned for fall.  We would love to get to know you, so feel free to reach out at HillelArizona@UAHillel.org or follow us on Instagram.