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Inclusion topic for professional training at J

The Special Abilities and Inclusion Initiative, in partnership with the Tucson Jewish Community Center, is offering a free daylong professional development opportunity next month through Matan, a New York-based organization. Matan advocates for the inclusion of diverse learners and educates Jewish leaders, educators, and communities, empowering them to create learning environments supportive of children with special needs.

On Sunday, March 24, from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., the Tucson J will host four trainers from Matan, who will present two professional development tracks. Track 1 will be designed for administrators, agency executives, and departmental directors, while Track 2 will be designed for direct service providers like teachers and camp staff. The event will include an interactive opening address, breakout sessions, and lunch.

The special abilities initiative is funded in part through a grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Aligned Grants Process.

To register, contact Allison Wexler, special abilities coordinator, at awexler@tucsonjcc.org.