Or Chadash Mitzvah Fair
On Sunday, Dec. 11, the sixth grade students at Congregation Or Chadash held the 10th annual Mitzvah Fair, which allows students to learn about and in turn help teach the concept of
tzedakah (charity) in our community, says Rina Liebeskind, Or Chadash education director. The
students researched Jewish agencies including Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, the University of Arizona Hillel Foundation, Tucson Jewish Community Center, Jewish Family & Children’s Services, Tucson Hebrew Academy, Jewish National Fund and the Or Chadash ABT Scholarship fund. A “shopping” experience for kindergarten through seventh grade students allowed them to give donations of $1-$20 to each agency. They received a certificate stating that a donation to the agency had been made in honor of someone special — providing a gift-giving alternative for the holiday season. A total of $370 was raised for the organizations.
Celebrating across the generations

Yeta Weston of Tucson, age 100, celebrates Thanksgiving with her great-grandson, Brayden Fishkind, age 3 months, son of Bret and Stephanie Fishkind of Phoenix.

Gathering for Unity at Islamic Center
At the second annual Gathering for Unity at the Islamic Center of Tucson on Thursday, Dec. 15, Deborah Mayan spoke about the Convivencia in medieval Spain as a glimpse of a vibrant coexistence of cultures, and invited people to take and display Jewish Voice for Peace’s poster, “Standing With Muslims Against Islamophobia & Racism.”