Letters to the Editor

March of the Living column moving, important

I have just read the Shout Out column written by Michaela Davenport (“For Tucson teen, March of the Living trip is heartwrenching, empowering,” AJP 6/28/13) and was incredibly moved. I had to re-read the brief notice about Michaela as I found it hard to believe that she is only a high school junior. Her writing was very touching and was beautifully done. I am sure that her teachers at Sabino High School would be proud of the way she expresses herself.

I also wish to praise the March of the Living program. If the participants of this program have the same kind of experience that Michaela had, it bodes well for the future of the next generation of young Jewish adults and for improving the attitude of young Jews towards Israel. Far too many of our young people are buying into the image of Israel as the “big bad villain.”

Thank you, Michaela, for sharing this experience with us.

—Martin Greene