ST. LOUIS (JTA) — Amanda Boris is nervous about what she’ll face when classes resume at the University of Wisconsin later this month. “There’s an uncomfortable amount of anti-Semitism on my campus,” said the incoming senior. Last year, her campus newspaper ran an ad from a notorious Holocaust denier… Read more »
Yearly Archives 2010
In teaching Holocaust, educators focus on prewar lives, not just camps

PRAGUE (JTA) — Educators who teach Holocaust history face the same challenge every year: how to get students interested in one of history’s greatest tragedies more than 65 years removed from World War II. In the old days, the formula was straightforward. “You show kids horrifying pictures, scare them,… Read more »
These Jewish interns campaign for Washington, not against it
(If you know Jewish Tucsonans who interned in Washington this summer, contact us at 319-1112.) WASHINGTON (Forward) — They flocked to Washington during the summer months, driven by their desire to get a taste of politics and maybe gain some points in the networking game after they graduate from… Read more »
It’s all relative: You say Einstein is ‘Jewish science,’ I say ‘liberal conspiracy’

BALTIMORE (JTA) — More than a half-century ago, the Nazis dismissed Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theories as “Jewish science”; in recent years Holocaust revisionists have taken up the anti-Einstein cause. Now, the legendary physicist is facing a new wave of attacks — this time from conservative bloggers who say that… Read more »
PunkTorah announces fundraising launch of OneShul, the first completely online synagogue
ATLANTA — PunkTorah has announced the fundraising launch for, the world’s first web-based, community ran synagogue. OneShul was inspired by group of PunkTorah volunteers who began meeting online to daven with one another, using PunkTorah’s recently released Indie Yeshiva Pocket Siddur (available online and through With the… Read more »
R rating sticks for “A Film Unfinished”
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — Israeli director Yael Hersonski fought long and hard to bring the Warsaw Ghetto documentary “A Film Unfinished” to the screen, but she couldn’t beat Hollywood’s rating board. Earlier this month the Motion Picture Association of America upheld a previous decision of an R rating for… Read more »
On a Warsaw Ghetto film, an unwitting collaboration
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — The place is the Warsaw Ghetto, the year 1942, and the black-and- white footage shows fashionably dressed men and women, with yellow Stars of David as accessories, having a high time at a champagne ball. Later we see emaciated kids rooting through mounds of garbage… Read more »
From cowboy hats to black hats
NEW YORK (Forward) — Imagine the scene: Four bearded rabbis sit for hours around a table, swaying before their open volumes of the Talmud, debating whether a Jew who owns a gate tower near the entrance to his mansion is required to hang a mezuzah on it. A synagogue… Read more »
Ask the Expert: High Holidays tickets
Question: My wife and I decided not to buy High Holidays tickets this year because they’re so expensive. What can we do to mark the holidays at home on our own? –Norman, Chicago Answer: Every year as the High Holidays approach I hear people grumbling about the price of… Read more »
Will the Giving Pledge affect Jewish causes?

NEW YORK (JTA) — The philanthropic world got a happy jolt when 40 members of the world’s wealthy elite — including 13 Jews — announced that they would give away more than half their money before they died. The participating philanthropists were responding to a challenge issued earlier this… Read more »
Business Briefs – 8/6/10
MARLENE BURNS and KEN MIRMAN have created KAVANAH PRESS, a printing company that will reproduce Burns’ Hebrew prayer painting series as greeting cards, prints and giclée reproductions. They will offer fundraising opportunities to synagogues and will donate a portion of local sales to Jewish community needs. They may be… Read more »
People in the news 8.6.10
U.S. ARMY CAPT. ISAAC GREENBERG will speak at the National Jewish War Veterans 2010 Annual Conference, which will be held Aug. 8-15 in Savannah, Ga. A member of the local JWV Friedman-Paul Post 201, Greenberg is serving his third term as the national JWV vice chairman for the global… Read more »
David and Bryna Ben-Asher announce the engagement of their daughter, Judy Ben-Asher, to Dan Hirshfeld. Dan is the son of Theo Hirshfeld of Buffalo, Wy., and Kathie Day of Mineral Wells, Texas. The couple lives in Westlake Village, Calif., and are planning to marry in the spring of 2011.… Read more »
Rachel Eliora Freund

RACHEL ELIORA FREUND, daughter of Suzanne and Ross Freund, will celebrate becoming a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, Aug. 21 at Congregation Anshei Israel. She is the granddaughter of Belle and Ralph Freund of Tucson, and Marie and the late Floyd Jacobus of Albuquerque, N.M., and Tucson. Rachel attends Tucson… Read more »
Noah Raphael Sanders

NOAH RAPHAEL SANDERS, son of Debra Huffman and Arthur Sanders, will celebrate becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, Aug. 14 with Congregation Or Chadash at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Noah attends St. Gregory Preparatory School. He enjoys soccer, tennis,volleyball and kayaking. For his mitzvah project, he volunteers at… Read more »
D. Joann Lyons

D. Joann Lyons, 78, died July 26, 2010. Survivors include her husband, Jerrold M. Lyons; children, Pamela (Moises), Ronald (Ann) of Tucson and Scott (Leslye) of Tucson; sibling, Tivoli Wacks; and four grandchildren. Services were held at Evergreen Mortuary with Rabbi Robert Eisen officiating. Interment followed in the Congregation… Read more »
Meyer Neuman

Meyer Neuman, 95, died July 26, 2010. He was born in Volovo, Czechoslovakia, and his father died in World War I before he was born. Raised by his widowed mother, Mr. Neuman quit school when he was 12 to help provide for the family by working as a porter… Read more »
Alvin Fleischman
Alvin Fleischman, 87, died July 26, 2010. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. Fleischman graduated from Penn State University. During World War II, he fought in the Philippines. After the war, he moved to Los Angeles and met his wife, Doris, on a blind date. He got a… Read more »
Ellen Pinnas

Ellen Pinnas, 68, died July 12, 2010. Born in New York, Mrs. Pinnas graduated with a B.S. in biochemistry and an M.A.T. in biology from the University of Chicago. She taught science at the high school and college levels. She later volunteered at her children’s schools in leadership positions… Read more »
Jean Myerson
Jean Myerson, 95, died July 7, 2010. Born in Denver, Colo., Mrs. Myerson moved to Tucson in 1940. She was a life member of the Brandeis National Committee, Hadassah and City of Hope. Mrs. Myerson was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Myerson, and brothers, Louis and Nathan… Read more »