CONGREGATION M’KOR HAYIM has named EMILY ELLENTUCK as its Cantorial Soloist. Ellentuck has led the musical part of several of M’kor Hayim’s Shabbat services as well as last year’s High Holy Days. Her new role will include Friday evening services twice a month, festival services and the High Holy Days. The calendar at lists dates and times of services. Call 904-1881 for more information.
THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA HILLEL FOUNDATION approved the following slate of officers at its board meeting May 12: Executive Committee Chair Steve Rodgveller and Vice Chair Steve Kippur; Nominating Committee Chair Michael Campbell; Board Development Chair Amy Lederman; Treasurer Shelley Fleischman Heyman; and Secretary Andy Shatken. New board membes include Alain Avigdor, Devon Campbell, Gary Cohen, Hershel Cohen, Jim Fein, Nate Hoffelmeyer, Aaron Jacobs, Steve Kippur, Leah Rafal, Mike Riley, Ed Rogoff, Rachel Sattinger and Michelline Wachter.
ST. GREGORY COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL has named HEATHER FAIRCLOTH as its Head of Middle School. Faircloth has been a St. Gregory science, geography and physical education teacher for two years; previously, she was athletic director at another independent school. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from the University of Georgia.

(L-R) TJCC Board Chair-Elect Tom Warn, Secretary Stuart Shatken, Vice Chair Barney Holtzman, Board Chair Fran Katz, CEO/President Ken Light, Andy Shatken and Marcia Light
THE TUCSON JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER was honored with nine awards for its communications and programming efforts at the JCCs of North America Biennial held May 2-5 in Atlanta, Ga. The TJCC received program and practice innovation and recognition awards for marketing, board development, interagency collaboration and special needs; and special “exemplary awards” for the sculpture garden, Fabulous Faygeleh Film Festival and “Beyond Basics,” a continuing education program for staff.