
JFCS presents “Love Should Not Hurt: Teen Dating Abuse 101”

Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Southern Arizona (JFCS) will present a free Zoom workshop, “Love Should Not Hurt: Teen Dating Abuse 101,” On Tuesday, March 29th, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Teen dating violence can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Teens often think some behaviors, like teasing, possessiveness, and name calling, are a “normal” part of a relationship. However, these behaviors can become abusive and develop into more serious forms of violence. This workshop will focus on common warning signs and the dynamics of the cycle of abuse. Jessica Carbajal, LMSW, BHP will discuss how developmentally, adolescents can be at risk and vulnerable to falling into unhealthy and potentially abusive relationships. It will also include information on how parents and communities can support teen survivors in abusive relationships, including basic safety planning tips.

Carbajal currently holds the role of Clinical Therapist with JFCS. She graduated with her Master’s in Social Work from Arizona State University and has recently received her associate licensure. Carbajal formerly worked with survivors of domestic abuse for 7 years. Her work as a domestic violence advocate and case coordinator has focused on working with women and children who have fled lethal intimate partner violence situations. As an advocate, Carbajal has witnessed the impact of community support for survivors and observed the importance of recognizing the dynamics of abuse within a survivor’s community.

Register here. The workshop is presented by the JFCS LEAH (Let’s End Abusive Households) program.