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Federation proposes slate of officers for 2019-2020

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s board governance committee has recommended the following slate of officers for the 2019-20 program year: Deborah Oseran, chair of the board; Jeff Artzi, vice chair; Ben Silverman, treasurer/secretary; Shelly Silverman, immediate past chair. Also nominated are Elena Boskoff, Avi Erbst and Scott Sheftel for three-year terms, and Helaine Levy for a two-year term.

New to the board by virtue of their positions are Madeline Friedman, incoming Women’s Philanthropy chair, and Karen Katz, incoming Women’s Philanthropy Campaign chair. Returning members are Bruce Ash, Jennifer Bell, Alex Dery-Chaffin, Leslie Glaze, Melissa Goldfinger, Adam Goldstein, David Hameroff, Liz Kanter Groskind, Jeff Katz and Jeremy Sharpe.

Any 10 members may make additional nominations by delivering a signed written nomination to the Federation office with an acceptance letter signed by the nominee at least 20 days before the annual meeting, which will be held Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Additional nominees will be presented together with the nominees selected by the nominating committee at the annual meeting
of members.