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IT to start season with ‘Absolute Brightness’

David Alexander Johnston in a scene from Invisible Theatre’s production of ‘The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey.’ (Creatista Films, Video and Photography)

David Alexander Johnston plays nine characters in “The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey” by LGBT activist and Academy Award-winning author, James Lecesne, playing at the Invisible Theatre Sept. 4-16.

“Absolute Brightness” tells the story of the effect a gay teen’s disappearance has on his community. These are the voices of people who share the life of Leonard. Together they form a portrait of a town that has been unexpectedly inspired by him — a process that makes the characters question how they live, who they accept and what they leave behind.

Marion Tochterman is one of the pillars of the community who says of Leonard, “He claimed he was just being himself. All right, fine, but do you have to be so much yourself?” Her use of humor, so much a part of Jewish culture, even in the face of tragedy, provides enormous insights, says IT Managing Artistic Director Susan Claassen.

Otto Beckerman is the town’s go-to guy for clock or watch repair. Having moved to this small town after World War II, he says of Leonard, “To see a boy like that, in this world, in my shop with no apology, this was to me a miracle.”

For tickets information visit or call 882-9721.