UA CATPAC honored
Members of CATPAC Wildcats for Israel, the University of Arizona’s bipartisan pro-Israel political club, attended the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington, D.C., March 1-3. The group won the Duke Rudman Leadership Award, AIPAC’s top honor for student leadership.
Elder Rehab flourishes

The Tucson Jewish Community Center’s Elder Rehab program is beginning registration for fall 2015. The program serves people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Currently, 21 memory-impaired seniors are partnered with University of Arizona undergraduate students who supervise them in twice-weekly physical exercise routines and cognitive stimulation exercises and games. Sharon Arkin, Psy.D., is director of the program. Her research at the UA showed that sustained physical and mental exercise can slow the cognitive deterioration associated with Alzheimer’s. Classes may be observed through the end of April. For more information, contact Laurel McCray at 299-3000, ext. 251.