
JFSA officers to be ratified at annual meeting

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s board development committee, chaired by Shelly Silverman, has recommended the following slate of officers for the 2015-2016 program year: Tom Warne, chair; Eric Schindler, vice chair/board development chair; Helaine Levy, vice chair; Jim Wezelman, treasurer/secretary; Kathryn Unger, immediate past chair.

Nominated as directors are Marcia Abelson (Women’s Philanthropy Campaign chair), Jeff Artzi, Bruce Ash, Steve Caine, Avi Erbst, Julie Feldman, Ellen Freeman, Adam Goldstein, Bill Holmes, Shelly Kippur-Travis, Deborah Oseran, Mitch Pozez, Rachel Rivera, Lowell Rothschild, Stuart Shatken, Michael Shiner, Shelly Silverman (Campaign chair), Joyce Stuehringer (Women’s Philanthropy chair) and Richard White. The board will also include Terry Perl as agency chair of the Jewish Community Roundtable and the chair of the Board of Rabbis (to be named).

Any 10 members may make additional nominations by delivering a signed written nomination to the Federation office with an acceptance letter signed by the nominee at least 14 days before the annual meeting, which will be held May 7 at 7 p.m. at the Tucson Jewish Community Center. Additional nominees will be presented together with the nominees selected by the nominating committee at the annual meeting of members.