Agency Viewpoint

Celebrating Jewish life at UA Hillel

(L-R) Daniel Wolfe, Hila Lamdan, Wyatt Gross, Elyse Pincus (standing), Alexa Schnaid, Elena Bendroff, Julian Wolff, Leah Merrall, Jodie Friedman, Hattie Groskind and Brandon Hellman enjoy a “Chillel” session.

The High Holidays are a meaningful time to reflect and celebrate. For University of Arizona students observing the holidays away from home, Hillel provides a warm and welcoming space.

Hillel interns take a break during a leadership retreat in September. Front row (L-R): Jan Mellon, Shaina Marco, Nathan Bacall, Marisa Eve, Rachel Sagar, Daniel Wolfe, Madison Dang. Back Row: Amalia Mark (director of Jewish student life), Jessica Bloom, Daniel Pressman, Elyse Pincus, Jodie Friedman. Not pictured: Or Maoz
Hillel interns take a break during a leadership retreat in September. Front row (L-R): Jan Mellon, Shaina Marco, Nathan Bacall, Marisa Eve, Rachel Sagar, Daniel Wolfe, Madison Dang. Back Row: Amalia Mark (director of Jewish student life), Jessica Bloom, Daniel Pressman, Elyse Pincus, Jodie Friedman. Not pictured: Or Maoz

More than 150 Jewish Wildcats attended evening and morning Rosh Hashanah services plus an Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner featuring all the traditional favorites. Student leaders, under the guidance of Hillel staff, created new celebratory events around the holidays including “Reflect and Effect,” held after Yom Kippur services and preceding the break-fast meal. Students came together to share thoughts and relax. Others joined together for Tashlich at the campus “turtle pond.”

“Chillel,” a weekly happening when students gather “just to chill,” featured a special opportunity to make Sukkot decorations for the Hillel sukkah. “Shake Your Lulav” and “Pimp My Sukkah” events were creative and fun ways to celebrate Sukkot during the intermediate days. The “Shake Your Lulav” event represented for many the very first time they had the opportunity to shake the lulav and etrog.

At the UA Hillel, we ensure that a vibrant Jewish community is available to our students whether they are freshmen still adjusting to campus life or seniors about to embark on the next chapter of their lives, informed by Jewish values and the embrace of our heritage.