Tucson author James M. Deem will speak at Hadassah Southern Arizona’s luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 11. Deem, the author of over two dozen books for adults and young adults, will present “Albertine’s Doll: A Holocaust Story from Belgium.” This is one of the stories from his upcoming book, “The Prisoners of Breendonk,” about the inmates of a relatively unknown German concentration camp in Belgium. Deem will be speaking at the Tucson Festival of Books in March.
Other books by the author will be available for sale and signing at the lunch, with 20 percent of all sales going to Hadassah Southern Arizona.
The event, which begins at 11:30 a.m., will be held at the Lodge on the Desert, 306 N. Alvernon Way. The cost of the luncheon is $25 for members and $27 for nonmembers. RSVP to Marcia Winick at 886-9919.