Twelve additions to the Tucson Jewish Community Center’s Sculpture Garden will be unveiled on Sunday, March 9, 1-3 p.m. at the opening of the 5th annual Sculpture Garden exhibition, which features the work of artists from Tucson and across the country.
“The goal was to find sculptures that would draw an audience through the entire landscape,” says 2014 Juror Lauren Rabb. “There are myriads of children who experience the Sculpture Garden, and this year I wanted some works that would attract and delight them, and perhaps even offer teachable moments.”
Local artist Ira Wiesenfeld describes his piece, “Spiraling,” as “one of a series of environmentally themed sculptures that I’ve forged over the last few years. The main plant, with its majestic leaves and feminine devil’s claw-like form on top, represents nature, and what is natural. The masculine vine that’s spiraling up and around the plant stands for man and his activities; for instance, the saw blade flower for industry, the twisted pitchfork for large-scale agriculture and the copper flower for mining. The vine is strangling the plant as it spirals around it, ever tighter.”
The exhibition will kick off with a preview party and fundraiser on Sunday, March 9 at 11 a.m. Attendees will enjoy a light brunch while sculptors discuss their pieces and answer questions. Tickets for this event are $50; RSVP to Lynn Davis at 299-3000, ext. 106 or ldavis@tucsonjcc.org.