Former Tucson City Councilman RODNEY B. GLASSMAN, J.D., Ph.D., has joined Ryley, Carlock & Applewhite, a Phoenix law firm, to lead its external affairs and government relations practice. Glassman was most recently acting town manager of Cave Creek, Ariz.
The Tucson office of RBC Wealth Management announced that the Schaefer & Present Investment Group and the Stoffers Group will now be known as the SCHAEFER PRESENT & STOFFERS INVESTMENT GROUP. The group members are Richard Schaefer, Bobby Present and Linda and William Stoffers.
BEN’S BELLS will hold its annual Celebration of Kindness event on April 12, 6-10 p.m. at its downtown studio, 40. W. Broadway. For tickets, see www.bensbells.org. Ben’s Bells also opened a Shop Kind retail store at 40 W. Broadway last month.
HIRSH’S SHOES is celebrating its 60th anniversary at its original location, 2934 E. Broadway. The business concentrates on comfort footwear, with several certified pedorthists on staff, and dancewear.
BROADWAY IN TUCSON has announced its 2014-15 season, which will include “Flashdance,” “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” “Guys and Dolls,” “Once,” “Newsies” and “Beauty and the Beast.” For more information, visit www.broadwayintucson.com.