Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our holiest days of prayer and personal reflection — and a time to remember people in need.
Project Isaiah, a food drive benefiting the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, is an annual project of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona in concert with synagogues and local Jewish agencies. The project is named for the Prophet Isaiah, who when asked why we fast on Yom Kippur, responded, “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry?” (Isaiah 58:6).
Food donations for Project Isaiah can be dropped off Sept. 2 through Oct. 13 at any local synagogue or Jewish agency. The most needed nonperishable items include peanut butter, cereal, soups, canned meats and vegetables, canned tomato products, boxed meals and kosher foods. Monetary donations, payable to JCRC, may be mailed to the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, Attention Jane Scott, 3822 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718. With each donation of $1, the food bank can provide four meals.
For more information, call the JCRC office at 577-9393.