
Desert-Mountain Region vp to install Hadassah officers

Sheilah Wagner

Hadassah Southern Ari­zona will install its 2013 slate of officers, including co-presidents Iris Sapovits of Green Valley and Corinne Forti of Tucson, at a luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 20 at noon at Skyline Country Club.

The installing officer will be Sheilah Wagner of Phoenix. Wagner joined Hadassah in the 1960s while living in New Jersey. After moving with her family to Arizona in 1968, she became a life member of the Phoenix chapter of Hadassah. Wagner has held many board positions including that of Hadassah Valley of the Sun Chapter president. Currently, she serves on the Desert-Mountain Region board as an area vice president and on the board of Hadassah Valley of the Sun Chapter.

The price of the luncheon is $17. Reservations may be made by calling Honey at 529-1830.