
JFSA names proposed officers for 2011-2012

The Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona’s nominating committee, chaired by Jennifer Miller Grant, has recommended the following slate of officers for the 2011-2012 program year: Jeff Katz, chair of the board; Kathryn L. Unger, senior vice chair; Madeline Friedman, vice chair; Larry Gellman, vice chair; Joyce Stuehringer, vice chair; Rob Glaser, treasurer; Julie Feldman, secretary; and Jennifer Miller Grant, immediate past chair.

Nominated to new three-year terms on the board are Alain Avigdor, Rachael Baker, Pat Ballard, Sherry Belkin, Chuck Gannon, Danny Gasch, Diane Grobstein, Sharon Klein, Gloria Linden, Jerry Neuman, Steve Rodgveller, Andy Seleznov, Andy Shatken and Shelly Silverman. Nominated for two-year terms are Pamela Dubin, Esta Goldstein and Jim Wezelman. Nominated to one-year terms are Deanna Evenchik and Shelley Pozez.

New life members of the board, by virtue of 20 years of board service, are Esther Capin and Lynda Rogoff.

Any 10 members may make additional nominations by delivering a signed written nomination to the Federation office with an acceptance signed by the nominee at least 14 days before the annual meeting (which will be held May 12 at the Jewish Community Center). Additional nominees shall be presented together with the nominees selected by the nominating committee at the annual meeting of the members.