Letters to the Editor

Thank CUFI for loving us, Israel

I had never heard of Christians United for Israel until a new Christian friend, with a deep love of and connection to Israel, told me about it. She said a CUFI event would be held in Tucson and enthusiastically advised that Dennis Prager, a true friend of Jews, Christians and Israel, would be here to speak. I was somewhat skeptical. Christians that love Jews! I quizzed my friend many times questioning the real motives of these people. Were they legitimate or were they just another group waiting for the return of Jesus to Jerusalem in order to convert or wipe out all the Jewish people? Still concerned, I checked with the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona before purchasing tickets and was told that they support it and some community representation would be present.

It was a memorable evening and we were sorry that it was not very well represented by our Jewish community. To the best of my knowledge, only one rabbi, Robert Eisen from Anshei Israel, was in attendance.

I came away with great joy in my heart. Apparently there are many CUFI on Campus chapters springing up all over the world. The young people that formed the University of Arizona chapter have done so by working closely with Hillel on campus. If ever there is going to be peace in Israel, it will happen because of young people with these kinds of values, joining together with a mission for Shalom, their mandate shouting the need for peace and love, not war and hate, which we all know is the true message of the Israelis.

Most of us give generously to Israel but perhaps these young people are paving the way for something we have been trying to do for centuries. If there is a CUFI event in Arizona again, Jews should be the first to appear in large numbers to say thank you for loving us and return the love with the same enthusiasm.

—Madelyn Weingarden