Rabbi Miriam S. Jerris of the Society for Humanistic Judaism will lead the Secular Humanist Jewish Circle’s third annual High Holiday “Celebration of Community and Connection” on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 9:30 a.m.
The service will include moral and ethical teachings related to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as songs, poetry and participatory recitations.
Jerris, a leader in secular and humanistic organizations for the past 35 years, holds a doctorate in Jewish studies from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati. She was ordained as a rabbi by the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism in 2001. Jerris, who lives in Det oit, is coming to Tucson to lead the service in honor of SHJC’s recent affiliation with the Society for Humanistic Judaism.
The service will be held at St. Francis in the Foothills Methodist Church, 4625 E. River Road. A catered buffet lunch will be served. After lunch, Jerris will lead a discussion on “Why Humanistic Judaism: Why Not Just Humanism?”
Tickets are $25 for members; $40 for nonmembers. To register, contact Becky at 296-3762 or schulmb@aol.com, or Susan at 577-7718 or srubinaz@com cast.net or mail a check to SHJC, 930 S. Goldenweed Way, Tucson, AZ 85748.