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Tucson Teens Bring Home Medals from Detroit JCC Maccabi Games®

The Tucson delegation upon arrival in Detroit, ready to take on the JCC Maccabi Games®!

This summer, ten teen athletes from Tucson made their way to Detroit for an unforgettable week of competition at the JCC Maccabi Games®—an Olympic-style event that blends high-energy sports with personal growth and community building. These young athletes didn’t just represent Tucson; they left their mark, returning home with four hard-earned medals: a bronze for baseball standout Coby, two silvers for basketball stars Leila and Ari, and a shining gold for volleyball champion Amity.

For many, it was their first time experiencing the magic of the JCC Maccabi Games, and they made memories to last a lifetime. “I not only got to compete in the sport I love,” said tennis player Oliver, “but I also met Jewish teens from all over the U.S. and Canada. The week was packed with activities, but there was still time to bond with my host family and explore a city I’d never been to before.”

The Tucson J sent three seasoned JCC Maccabi Games veterans—Josh Shenker, Chief Operating Officer, Marcus Mendelson, Games Assistant Director and Davis Hubbell, Director of Teen Engagement—to serve as coaches and mentors for the young delegation. Their guidance helped the athletes not only succeed on the field but also deepen their connection to their Jewish heritage.

“As a Jewish person who loves athletic competition and missed out on attending the Games as an athlete, it felt like a treat and bashert (destiny) to be in a position to earn a medal with my team as a fill-in coach for the 3v3 basketball team,” said Davis, who served as Delegation Head.

The momentum from the 2024 Games is fueling excitement at the J as it prepares to host the next JCC Maccabi Games, which will take place from July 27 to August 1, 2025. It will mark 25 years since Tucson last hosted the Games, and the anticipation is already growing for what promises to be an incredible celebration of sports, culture, and community.

All Tucson-area Jewish teens aged 12 to 17 are invited to join the local delegation, which is seeking 75 to 100 athletes including five Access participants. Additionally, the time and assistance of more than 1,500 volunteers will be needed to make the Games a success. From host families to event operations and everything in between, there are volunteer opportunities to fit every interest, talent, and schedule.

For more information, contact or click here. And follow Tucson Maccabi Games on social media @JCCMaccabiTucson (Facebook and Instagram) for the latest updates, photos, and fun facts.