For many years, Handmaker Passover Seders were large events with children and grandchildren joining parents, grandparents and great-grandparents for this wonderful holiday celebration.
The Handmaker Seders for the last several years have been more intimate events, due to COVID restrictions, but not so much this year. For the first time in three years, Handmaker was thrilled to invite guests once again to their Passover Seders! And while the Great Room was not quite filled to capacity, residents welcomed with joy the guests who were able to be around their Seder tables.
Several Handmaker residents had family members join them, including Mordy, whose daughter Debra was gracious enough to beautifully read the four questions in Hebrew. Lois’ niece Terri used to be a regular Seder attendee and was happy to be back once again sitting with Lois and reading the English translation of the four questions. There were also a few friends who joined residents at the Seder, along with the familiar faces of volunteers, who they hope to see more of in the future.
One of the guests at their Seder table was Handmaker’s new Vice President of Operations, P. Elayne Poston. Elayne was only a few weeks into her tenure at Handmaker when staff began to prepare the kitchen, dining rooms and residents for the observance of Passover. Elayne’s curiosity was piqued, and she was excited to have the opportunity to join Handmaker residents at the first night Seder. It was a first for her, and residents hope that it will not be her last.
Handmaker residents and their guests were grateful for the beautiful Seder meals, and for all that the staff, the kitchen, and Rabbi Shemtov do to make Handmaker Kosher for Passover, and all year long. It all began 60 years ago, and Handmaker is proud to continue the tradition. Today, Handmaker is the only Kosher Senior Living community in the state of Arizona, here for those who need it.