School supplies and toiletries are being collected for students at Homer Davis Elementary School through August 31 and can be dropped off at the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, Tucson Jewish Community Center, and Tucson Hebrew Academy.
Making a Difference Every Day: The Homer Davis Project, an effort to reach out to the under-served school children in the community at Homer Davis Elementary School, is the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) signature social action program. This coming school year, 2021-2022, begins the twelfth year of JCRC’s commitment to this project.
The Homer Davis Project assists students throughout the year by providing weekend and school break food packs, after school homework helpers, classroom assistants, as well as school supplies and other items essential to their well-being and educational success.
The pandemic impacted many families at Homer Davis, including some parents and caretakers being laid off from work. Studies have shown that students with poor hygiene or who do not come to class with adequate school supplies suffer academically. With this double drive, JCRC is hoping to make a difference in the lives of these students.
The JCRC is seeking the following school supplies and toiletries: Kleenex, #2 pencils, glue sticks, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes, composition notebooks, jumbo crayons 8 count, crayons 24 count, wide-ruled 3 ring binder paper, Expo markers chiseled tip multi-color, Expo markers black regular to fine tip, soap, combs, brushes, shampoo, deodorant, dental floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes, acne products, Equate (lice shampoo), and feminine hygiene products.
Contributions may be dropped off at the following locations: Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona, 3718 E River Road, the Tucson JCC, 3800 E River Road, and Tucson Hebrew Academy, 3888 E River Road.
Questions? Please email or call (520) 955-1518.